i need help!!!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by JoeOldfield, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. JoeOldfield

    JoeOldfield New Member

    i need help!!!

    Ok this is just for fun and just so i can say i can do something productive, but i created a sims2 website i even got a co.uk really cheap and got a great deal of webspace for 3.00 and i full of ideas.

    But i lack the website skill, can you help me, i can't pay money or anything that i can physically exchange but i might be able to offer you a skill i have!
    i b*tch moan and complain quite well lol

    i have got a page up if anyone wants to look
  2. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    One of the websites I like to go to for html help is Lissa Explains It All: http://www.lissaexplains.com/

    It has good clear explanations for things, since it's trying to be simple for kids to understand, so I like that. :D

    For free javascripts I like to go to Dynamic Drive:

    For making graphics, there are some places that offer free trials of their programs, and also some completely free graphics programs like Gimp, you could do a search for them and see if any suit your needs.

    Good luck with your webpage, and remember, try to have FUN while tearing your hair out trying to get stuff to cooperate and work! ;) :D
  3. JoeOldfield

    JoeOldfield New Member

    thank you

    i appreciate the help thank you kindly......

    one a seperate note was it yourself that posted the link for a tutorial on changing eye colours using PSP8? i just bought a copy and i can't remember where the link was

    my site is www.sims2joe.co.uk it's rubbish at the moment but could get better, service pack 2 is becomming a pain though:mad:

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