In Game sims.....or townies...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by parbopostcards, Aug 10, 2006.

  1. parbopostcards

    parbopostcards New Member

    In Game sims.....or townies...

    :D How many of you play with the in game sims? or townies?
    What about the sim families that came with the game?

    I hated Mortimer, but I ended up letting him Marry Dina and they have had a couple of kids. Right now Dina is an elder and is yet again married to a new guy with whom she has a child as well. The Goth family has sprouts all over the place and of course I guess I have made them my own to play. I really like Alexander's family, he's married to a chick he met in College.

    The pleasents are both at old age now. Both daughters are in college, haven't gotten around to getting them thru college yet. Both girls are with their teen sweethearts tho. The Pleasents also adopted a boy as well, he's a teen now, waiting to move away to college.

    The other caliente twin, decided to become "bisexual", but he lesbian girlfriend caught her cheating and it's kinda going downhill from there.

    The dreamer family, well Daddy died and his wife soon followed after. They had 2 more girls and also adopted a son. A friend is living in the house now, with another friend (all townies) and the adopted son is still in the house.

    Those are kind of my updates.......Anyone else? :eek:
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I incorporated the Sims State frat and sorority members into my own sims families in Porta de Luca. Castor Nova just died of old age. He was married to my sim who was born in the game, now also deceased. They had five children, 8 grandchildren and 2 step-grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and so far they also have 2 great-great-grandchildren. (I could be forgetting someone.)

    Tiffany Sampson was a vampire who had a kid with one of my sims and later became un-vamped. Brittney Upsnott is her girlfriend, who also became unvamped eventually. Heather Huffington was also a vampire but drank a potion long before her sorority sisters did. She's a great-grandmother, and an elder. She's had a long on-again, off-again relationship with Ashley Pitts, the father of her child. He was a nanny for my vampires for a while and drank a lot of the green stuff before finally becoming an elder.

    I'm also starting to play the in-game sims in Veronaville. I just sent Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio and Tybalt to college with my own sim.

    I haven't played the Pleasantview sims at all. Maybe because too many other people have? Not sure. I'll probably get around to them someday. I played the Strangetown sims briefly just before I got my new motherboard, so none of my changes stuck. I'd have to start over and I'm not all that interested in doing so. I did send Ophelia Specter and Johnny Smith to college and had them fall in love. And Lola Curious married the binned guy, don't remember his name, and had a kid with him. But as I said, none of that exists anymore since I have a new computer.
  3. Ali_Chi

    Ali_Chi New Member

    I haven't played any Maxis default families but i do sometimes marry & play game made sims, however i have moved in a bunch of cute guys 'n gals so there's too much competittion for them at the moment, i don't think I'll be playing any of them anytime soon lol
  4. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I hate townies. I think they are ugly and have no fashion sense! (See my thread: Extreme Makeover: Townie Edition) I either try to modify them more to my liking or else murder them off. :rolleyes:
  5. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Townies are good for Legacy stories...not only do they come with all the money, but their personalities and fashion sense make for a great story. :D
  6. simgurl84

    simgurl84 New Member

    I dont like to play the maxis made sims. For one, they dont look anything like the sims that I make myself. Also, I am not at all interested in pursuing the story lines that are attatched to them. I always make my own familes to play though I do let my sims become friends with maxis made sims.
  7. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I have started making my own townies, and I'm much happier with them. :) I use the deleteallcharacters cheat to wipe out the Maxis townies when I start a new neighborhood. Then I make the desired # of townies with Body Shop. I run them through CAS to give them names, personalities, etc. Then, I move them into a house, 8 at a time, that has Inge Jone's teleporter painting in it. I use the painting to make everyone a townie, then clear them off the lot. Okay, ready for the next batch!

    The game regenerates townies unless you have JMP's "no ____ regen" hacks. There's one for townies, downtownies, and dormies. It will still regenerate the necessary npc's such as service maids and Mrs. Crumplebottom, though.

    Links to the mentioned hacks/mods:

    More Awesome Than You:
    A newer version of the teleporter is here, modified by Squinge and Jordi:,2757.0.html I haven't tried it yet, just found it trying to find the link to the original. Hehehe think I'll test that puppy out!
    For the JMP's no regen hacks, go to "The Armory" and download "The Director's Cut". After you open the zip, go in and delete any hacks you don't want.
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'd like to try making my own townies sometime. Right now I'm enjoying the fact that the Veronaville townies aren't the same old, same old. For one thing, no Goopy!!! Or Marsha. What a nice change.

    I've also learned my lesson and made my own college so I'm not swamped with dormies. The only problem is, no greek house. I'll have to work on getting one chartered. Could be fun. I've been thinking about just making three sorority sisters who permanently live on campus. I don't generally have my sims move into the greek houses, anymore.

    And, speaking of Veronaville, I've been having fun playing the Summerdreams. Titania keeps wanting more kids, and me, being evil, am granting her every wish. It's very freeing not to have to worry about how many sims I'm making. PDL is getting so crowded I've become like the Chinese government, LOL.

    Also it's very freeing not to write about them. I can have kids willy nilly. They may enter the story later if one of them falls in love with Juliet's or Nora's kids.

    Anyway, I've added three kids to the Summerdreams so far, two adopted, one not, but all three look like Oberon anyway. Weird. As mentioned, I've changed Bottom's name to Moth, so their kids still at home (Puck's at college) are Moth, Wren, River and Rain. (I love the name River Summerdream. He's the not adopted one, and the only boy so far.)

    And they're far from finished, heh heh.
  9. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    You go girl...

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