Interst lost anyone?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by 3D_animator, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. 3D_animator

    3D_animator New Member

    Interst lost anyone?

    as of me, im losing my interest in the game FAST. its like a depression, sinking lower and lower. what maxis did was REALLY REALLY low . i never knew they were that kind of ppl.meaning delaying an awesome game and CRUSHING ALL our dreams and hopes, all for more money . *sigh*
  2. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I don't think they are sitting there with the game all finished and ready to ship saying "let's just sit on this and keep paying our workers without shipping this finished game out to make MONEY so we can afford to pay our workers... let's laugh while the fans wait!" So far they haven't released an official date for it to come out, so officially, they are NOT late, and are NOT making anyone wait past their deadline!!

    It's the stand alone Casie I'm upset about, because it was first said it would come out in August/September LAST year... that's one thing they keep saying will be out, and then they change the release schedule for it.

    Remember, they can't start MAKING money on sims 2 till they start SELLING it and once they start selling it they have to make BACK the money they SPENT making it, the cost of workers, and computers, and programs, and programmers, and artists.... not to mention advertising.... So it's in their best interests to sell it as soon as possible, BUT they are doing their best to make a GOOD game with as few bugs and glitches as possible! They don't want to sell a game that crashes your computer every time you play it!!

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