It's Official! September 17th Is the Release Date! *sigh* A little later then i'd hoped, but earlier than i feared! It's too bad it's coming out after summer though... i don't think my mom'd fall for "sick days" 10 days after i start my senior year :( Any ideas on how to fool the mom???? heehee... ah well... i guess there'll be time after school :( It's gonna rock... any new ideas since the Bodyshop's been open on "whats the first thing you're going to do with TS2?"??? Post em here! TTYL!
Where did you get the official relase date from? As for sick days so early in the semester... hmm.... well... you could REALLY catch a cold or something, but then trying to play sims 2 while sneezing your head off and a miserable runny nose doesn't sound like TOO much fun... you won't be able to SEE all the gorgeous graphics with tears in your eyes!
I saw this morning up on the official site the release date of September 17th! I had hoped it would be coming in June or July but this is ok I suppose! You would think that it would come out sooner but whatever so long as it's good!onder: :speechless: :disappointed: :coolnessl: :classic: :winks:
They haven't updated that poor FAQ in *far* too long! However, it is official. Maxis has posted the date. (What a relief!)
Maybe they'll update the FAQ after E3 is over, as hopefully they'll be answering more of our questions etc. there.
Yuppers Yeah, I was hoping for a june/july release too... but i figured it'd probably be out just in time for christmas... so i guess September's a negotiation! ;-)
hey every1 im new so i really looking foward to chating with ya all about the sims and all dat stuff gotta go p.s the official realese date for the sims 2 is defintly semptember the 11th .dam it!!!!:mads: :disappointed:
It's hard to believe that people are *still* claiming to have "official" dates other than the one that Maxis has said: [font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif]Author: [/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif]MaxisLucky[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif]Date: [/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif]May-12-04 02:21 PM PDT[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif]Subject: [/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif]Official word on ship date for The Sims 2[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif] The Sims 2 will ship on September 17, 2004. [/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif]We can't wait for you to get to play the game and appreciate your patience, support and excitement. The game team is thrilled with what they've seen you create with The Body Shop and it's been very inspiring to them as they work on the game. [/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif]Maxis has the best game community out there - thanks for everything! [/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif]-MaxisLucky [/font]
The shipping date is cool, cause then I can get it for my b-day without waiting too long, only 9 days:coolnessl: or maybe I wont be able to wait that long
Thanks:grin: I'm acctually pretty satisfied with the delay because of that, cause then I wont have to spen money I dont have on it, wich I would surely do:silly:
Im upset about this date cause ill be in college by then and i wont have much time too play it i think! If this is not true post to tell me:silly: I will be going to college on Aug. 28, 2004 so it sux!! O well ill get it anyways and play if i have time!!
Well I still had SOME time to do stuff other than just study all the time while I was in classes, so hopefully you'll get a chance to play some too! Just remember to write all your papers and study for tests FIRST! ...yeah... that's right... um... this coming from the Queen of late night 3am papers the night before they're due....
Uh oh you'd have to be carful WHICH class you try to play sims 2 in! You MIGHT get away with it in an interior design class, for instance... But what would your math professor say?!
Shipping/In Stores I am in love with the Sims and I seriously don't think I can wait until september 17th for the sims 2 to come out... literally! I am a little confused:confusion: is it going to be in stores on the 17th or is it shipping on the 17th? I sure hope its going to be in stores!! :bunny: