It's Time for more Bloopers!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by surprised_by_witches, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    It's Time for more Bloopers!

    It's been a while so I thought I'd start a new thread. I could resurrect the old one but finding it would take work ... :p

    My blooper of the week: I had a dormie play chess with one of my sims and when they got up to leave she was still sitting down. Instead of walking she scooted around the dorm like a crab for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, the next morning she was fine ...

    I'll post a picture later.

    So, anyone else have a blooper they'd like to share? Extra points for pix. :)
  2. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    Crap, wish I would've taken a picture last night. I had one of my twins pass out on the floor from energy depletion. When I went to find her to click on her to wake her up so someone could put her to bed, all I could see were her feet. Why? Well, she was laying in/on the baby potty. Her upper body was "hidden." She must have just laid down after scooting off after I told her to use it. I found it rather entertaining.
  3. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    I discovered a new option using boolprop - it enabled my sim to walk like a ghost. Being a loon, I selected it, and now Venus just floats everywhere. It's relly annoying - walking is quicker. There isn't an option to turn it of. Luckily, Venus is a goth anyway.
  4. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    I have a handsome young male maid with a purple shirt open to his navel like Harry Belafonte (boy, did my mom think HE was hot!). Yesterday he started going places rilllly fast - zzzzip to the kitchen, then washing dishes at a normal rate, stand for a minute thinking, then zzzzzziipppp to the bathroom and so on. He also became non-corporeal - that is, people can walk through him. But he's still able to clean, so who's complaining?
  5. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oh, I'd love that option! Behold, the evil floating fat Hawaiian ex-retirement home hula teacher! Can she float up connecting stairs, though? As far as I know, ghosts can't do that.
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Don't know if these really count, :rolleyes: but they amused me. so here they are:

    1. Get out of the taxi and get your face in the phone booth. Happens to everyone at this lot. (I uploaded two views of the same scene.)

    2. A professor took a book when she left the house.

    3. Oops, Remmington and Chaz merge as they clean up a puddle. They did it a couple of times. Elbows inside heads looked painful. I had assigned Chaz the cleanup duty (because he made the mess in the first place) and Remmington walked in to help out.

    I actually have a lot of people and objects going through each other. The worst is when their arms move in creepy ways, like right through their own bodies. If only we could upload films :(. I saved one from the cutting room floor of a guy's arms swinging wildly through his own chest.
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I had two sets of connecting stairs in a house and Grandma and Grandpa's ghosts were always going up to the second floor, running bubbles in the tub, jumping out at people, spinning the lamps. However, I also had an urn on the second floor of another house and the ghost never went downstairs. But I just assumed it was because at night, when she came out, everyone she wanted to scare :eek: was in a bed somewhere on the same level as the urn. And she scared them plenty and repeatedly all night long. They got little sleep.

    Still, what an interesting cheat. There are certain sims I'd use it on.
  8. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    No, I don't think so. She walks up all the stairs in her house. If you want to enable it, boolprop, then shift-click on an urn or tombstone. You can also decide how the Sim who's tombstone it is died!
  9. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I had quite the blooper this weekend. I threw a huge birthday party, I think there was about 13 people in the house, (invited someone over, who wanted to bring a friend, invited the 8 people for the birthday party, and then right after dad came home from work with a friend!) and the kitchen isn't very big. So when the toddler got set down to transition he ended up on Mom's head...dancing the transition dance...Mom then proceeded to walk around with son standing on top of her and her head was gone, and her arms were straight out in front of her, kind of like the stereotypical mummy walk. I was laughing so hard that I wasn't able to snap a picture fast enough. Mom quickly recovered and removed her son from standing on her head, placing him on the floor like they do to the toddlers, even gave him a kiss on the forhead. Man...I had tears in my boyfriend was very confused. I wish I would have got a picture!
  10. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Fun With Romance Sims!!!!

    Suki is a romance sim, and wants to Woo Hoo with every boy she is friends with. (special friends? LOL) Since she lives in the dorm with three of them, it was a little challenging. 1st, she Woo Hooed with Napoleon. The next day while Napoleon was in class, she woo hooed with Larry. The next day, I used JMP's college clock to send both Napoleon and Larry to class, and she started romanticising David. Well, by the time she got shy Larry into her room and the deed was done, Napoleon and Larry had materialized, back from class. Larry runs upstairs and slaps her around a little. Napoleon follows and she gets slapped again. David, meanwhile, is standing on the other side of the bed, out of the way, looking a little, ummmm, dreamy and oblivious. I thought it was hillarious.

    Attached Files:

  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    LOL, you guys. Thanks for the laugh. These are great.
  12. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    There are two bloopers I seem to get fairly routinely.

    One is the "merge with the table while playing cops and robbers." I even have that one posted somewhere here.

    The other is a merging between someone who is standing watching a musician and the musician as they go to pick up their tips.

    I've noticed that TS2 Sims seem to do the merge thing a lot. It seems to be better than TS1 where they couldn't get out of corners and things like that. Our Sims still occasionally have their way blocked, but they seem to merge/unmerge instead of complaining about blockage most of the time.
  13. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    There's only one blooper, glitch, whatever you want to call it.. that I get fairly regularly.

    Anyway, there's one dining room table, and on either end of the table are chairs. Every time the sims sit in the chairs on either end, their legs go through the support rungs of the table!
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    My romance sim Candida doesn't much like having a baby to take care of and when it cried to have its diaper changed she stood up in the middle of her chair and lectured it (facing the wall--the crib was some distance behind her.)
  15. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    didn't take a picture but after the boys finished playing chess the phone books remained on the chairs, and when grampa sat down to play the books remain in place and protruded out of his belly. I moved the chairs and the book remained in mid air.
  16. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    I had another the other day: I put decking in the garden, and made into a mini graveyard, after seeing something similar on here. A few days later, changed m mind, so moved the tombstones onto the grass, and deleted the decking. Unluckily, the spots where the tombstones had been just stayed there. So I had squares of wood just suspeneded in the air.
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    That happened to me when I tried to remodel a clunky house ... it was too slow so I tried to remove some dividing walls and some of them ended up suspeneded in midair. I coudn't delete them no matter what I did and ended up bulldozing the house (after moving the family out of course).

    As for the sim lecturing the baby, I don't think that's a blooper. I find that my grouchy sims do it often. They have few paternal instincts and enjoy lecturing anyone who annoys them ... even babies.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Actually, it was the standing in the middle of the chair while lecturing the wall that amused me ...;)
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Um, yep, that would be a blooper all right.

    Missed that, sorry. Half awake this weekend. :eek:
  20. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    found this in another forum....... what a riot


    This made me laugh out loud... poor kid!

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