just bougth a PC for Sims2

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Mugke, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. Mugke

    Mugke New Member

    just bougth a PC for Sims2

    He i just bought a pc, and while finding the right one, I made sure that it meet the requirements for sims 2. So I have a brand new computer, just waiting for sims 2 to arrive....
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Me too ... hope it doesn't become obsolete while we're waiting,eh?
  3. Mugke

    Mugke New Member

    No....and what is all this about that sims 2 first relases in 2005,earlist in july 2004???

    I can't wait that long :bunny: .... In Denmark they say it realeses on March the 18.... I do hope so....Or else...what to do in the meanwhile???
    Im gonna get reallyyyy reallyyyy bored if it don't! *LOL*:confused: :bunny:
  4. altec_tech

    altec_tech New Member

    what are the specs?
  5. MarsBarr

    MarsBarr New Member

    Yes, there has been another delay in TheSims2. The game should be out in the second half of 2004, differing from July to December. That may also mean a large post-pone for caSIE as well.
  6. 3D_animator

    3D_animator New Member

    yeah im getting a new computer too, im getting mine in 2 weeks, the store has this "computer creation station", were you enter EXACTLY what you want in your computer, so im ordering mine there, and it comes to my door, in a week. free shipping. :D. but now i gotta wiat 4ever for the sims2!!!!!!!
  7. IrishDragon

    IrishDragon New Member

    lol funny how we are so addicted to The Sims that we buy our computers just so we make sure Sims can run on it lol. But I am guilty of the same, im updating my comuter with tax money so I can "better" my simming experence lol
  8. 3D_animator

    3D_animator New Member

    its done, i ordered my computer and its coming to my door in a week. the specs are

    160 Gb hard drive
    radeon 9800 pro 128 mb
    amd athlon processor 64 bit, 3200
    1 Gb memory


    17 inch LCD monitor (HP)

    all in all it costed me $2712.00 with insurance 3 years
  9. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    whoa dude!
  10. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

  11. altec_tech

    altec_tech New Member

    HAHAHA I LAUGH AT YOU!!! :) :) :)

    I build my computer! Where did you buy your computer from? It was an ok deal, but I can make the best deal possible! The one I am making has...

    FX-51 AMD processor
    ATI 9800XT 256mb vid. card
    Audigy Z2s Platinum sound card (come with a little front slot)
    Klipsh ProMedia 5.1 speakers (AWESOME LOOKING)
    Scorpiomax case (silve case with window on side with an x in the center)
    ASUS SK8N motherboard (super stable, super fast, best with FX-51)
    19" CRT monitor (CRT's are better than LCD's because they have a higher dot pitcher, and refresh rate, along with being cheaper)
    Optical / wireless mouse and keyboard
    500W LED power supply
    2 blue spinning LED fans
    1 multicolored LED fan
    1 PCI slot LED fan (is 2)
    1 bay slot LED output fan (takes out the heat)
    Neon Blue Cold Cathode light(makes the entire computer inside blue
    120 gb HD 7200rpm
    CD/RW drive 52x48x24
    oops I almost forgot...
    2 x 512 registered 400mhz DDR overclocking RAM(MEGA MEGA FAST)

    Total cost: $2,800

    Better looking, better parts, no spyware pre installed, home made

    If anyone wants to buy a computer from me... I will sell it to you with a 1 - 2 year warranty and will sell for 12-15% of the cost it took to build it. you must pay for shipping.

    Just like to say that the AMD FX-51 processor, is currently the fastest processor out right now and is 64 bit. It's faster than those crappy pentiums and the one above.

    the 9800XT is also faster than the one above

    he didn't list his type of memory, but I am getting the best one, so it is probably better

    my monitor is bigger, better picture, cheaper.... better

    best sound card... probably better

    his HD is probably better... but I use a 20gb on my current computer, and I haven't used it all up yet.

    my case is better looking

    my motherboard is mores stable than his (because you cannot purchase ASUS SK8N motherboards from OEM companies[mass produced companies like DELL or Gateway])

    Where did you buy your computer.

    Sorry for bragging, I am proud of my computer.

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