Karaoke! Okay! Correctly pronounced, by the way, car-ah-oh-kay. Does anyone have this cool machine? I made an entertainment room with cube chairs, a karaoke machine, a disco light and so on. It's cool but it seems like everyone sings the same song. A few sing it well, a few sing it badly, but there doesn't seem to be any way to choose a type of music or a menu of songs. It's still cool, though, especially on a snowy night with the lights flashing and people scoping the room and cheering each other on.
I love the karaoke machine! If only sims got creativity points from it (and sang better as the creativity points went up!)
They do get points! At least, mine have a rising green bar over their heads. Now if only they could sing better - and at least another song sometimes!!!
Actually, they do sing better. The more creativity points the better they sing. And you can get points just from singing.
Yeah, welcome back. Do your sims actually sing when they use that machine? They don't in my game.. :(
Oh, yeah, they sing! Different voices. I can *almost* understand the words... but it's the same danged melody every time. I should check and see if the better singers have higher creativity scores. I think so. You can sing together on the machine, too. It's a very cool addition. I think I'll add a bar to the room.
Ha, they DO sing different songs - apparently as the creativity score goes up, new (and better) songs become available - and duets between two high-creativity sims are actually quite good, especially with the proper ambience. Now I want to try it at a party, but my sims are always terrible at throwing parties...
Dizzle bleep back karnatz ... (Jump off of speaker just to look cool.) The secret to a good party is, have lots of toys (bubble blower, karaoke, stereo). Set out a buffet or order a pizza, turn up the tunes. A good round of the smustle gets a party warmed up. Talk to each guest, tell jokes, try to attain a goal or two. If you have a want to kiss someone, save it and kiss them when the party's underway. Making out raises a party's score. Invite couples that are in love with each other, or people who like to fight each other. Either way you're in for a lively party. Mine are almost always broken up by the cops. Now THAT's a good time. As for the karaoke machine, I've had sims with no creativity graduate from college with 10 points of it just because of their obsession with that machine. I've learned not to worry about creativity when they live at home: just have a bunny when they're a toddler, and load 'em up on mechanical, cooking, cleaning and logic when they're kids. If they're knowledge sims, you can continue this trend as teens, otherwise work on relationships. Teen jobs help with skills because it gives them a goal. When they get to college just set a karaoke machine or musical instruments in their dorms and let them build their own creativity skills without your help. I swear, the things are like catnip. Sim-nip.
good parties I swear, I have always had really bad parties (in sim world, that is), no matter what I do or buy or how much I try to manage it. It's always dullsville. So today I went into my successful asylum household (the Symptoms Complex) where there are eight elderly unhappy people who have never had an aspiration fulfilled, and I had one simply invite a few people over and then told them all to flirt constantly and randomly with each other. What a great party! It was broken up by the cops at 3 in the morning. Who knew that all you had to do was caress and charm your roommates and their friends??! Heck, I can do THAT!
My sim parties are always a bore (except for wedding parties) because nobody seems to show up except for maybe one sim! I know that you have to be friends with a sim for them to show up but I didn't know that then. I recently found out that if you chat to all of the party sims the party's rep will go up a little. If you start flirting, then watch that rep go waaay up! I've never had the police turn up and break up the party though. I rarely have my sims throw parties because they just end up being a bore and my popularity sim ends up crying theirs hearts out because of the bad party...
As far as I can tell, the best way to have the police show up is to have the party late at night and have a stereo and/or karaoke machine (they come around 2-3 am and say it's too loud). Having several people dance the Smustle helps. I tried desperately to flirt with the cop and get him to stay, but no luck.