lifetime ambitions My dear Born just became a Criminal Mastermind. (I just love that outfit, don't you?) Now she has platinum aspiration, but she also immediately has a NEW lifetime aspiration to be the top of the medical field. I've never checked before once someone achieved their ambition. So I went and looked at the Mad Scientist, and sure enough, now he wants to be a Criminal Mastermind! Does this keep changing each time they reach their goal? Oh, how like life!
Yup, it's really frustrating though, when you achieve a seemingly impossible life time goal, only to find out that the next life time goal is something quite simple. LOL Cass.
Oh don't get me started on the lifetime goals. I'll go on about it forever. :silly: To keep it short: I agree with Cass. That is the most annoying thing ever! Rawwr. gre::confusion::rambo:
Ha, I didn't have to fulfill the first one, either! I often don't, but instead force my sims to labor away at careers and hobbies they don't like and have no affinity toward, just because I need them to weed or fish or cook, and sometimes I make them flirt with and marry people that are simply a bad match and everyone knows it, and have children when they can't stand the little tykes, and wear clothes they don't like and eat burned lobster thermidor! MWAAAHAHAHAHA! THEY MUST DO MY BIDDING!
And now I have discovered old boot milkshakes! I am a wild evil genius! Oh, spank me! Go fishing, catch some boots, put them in the juicer, make them drink it and stand back. Now I'm going to make a strawberry-flavored boot milkshake.
Boot milkshakes!?! Ewwwwwwww!! Hahahahaha! My sims haven't caught any boots yet. Darn it! Now I'm curious to know what happens. Cass.
I've tried to make a fishshake - even though there are fish in the inventory, you can't select them for the juicer. Too bad! But the boots are apparently part of the gamers' master plans. Each sim responds differently; all act quite strange for a few minutes.
I want more details!!! I haven't played in quite a while and with work being so crazy right now I probably won't get the chance for a while...spill the beans Jiko, it sounds funny. Screen shots if you got them too!
Let's see - so far all my sims who drink bootshakes have talked to invisible people for a few minutes, and done a funny little "booty" shaking dance, kind of a twist. Individuals have also done things like moan strangely and stare out the window with a weird look for a few minutes, seem to be electrified and shiver all over, and one sort of doubled over. I thought he was dying! But more like gastroenteritis, I think... No lasting ill effects.
That's good to hear. I'll try it out today when I play. And I bet mine will be the first to die from a boot milkshake. Hahahahahahahaha!!!! Cass.
I achieved a lifetime aspiration and was in the platinum. I moved the family to a different house and had to start over. The Sim lost his platinum aspiration status and was in the green once again. Hmmm....old boot milkshakes huh? I'll have to try that.