livis incredibly long list of content ideas

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by livi, May 23, 2004.

  1. livi

    livi New Member

    livis incredibly long list of content ideas

    if you need ideas for things to make i have plenty! at least 20! email me for the list. i just hope you will make something for me!!

  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Or you could post them up here on the forum and share them without having people emailing you... :)
  3. livi

    livi New Member


    If you make this for me I would like it to be

    Girls Pjs (kids)

    Pink ones, light blue ones, light purple ones

    Female Adult PJs

    Same as above and maybe white ones

    Female Kids Skirt

    Denim. And khaki

    Girls One Piece Swimsuit (kids)

    Red and Yellow stripes

    Teen Dress (like the flowered one in everyday)

    White with a black sash, light purple with a black sash

    Teen tank top (female)

    Yellow, white, light pink

    Teen skirt


    Kids (girls) shirt

    Tye dye

    Teen gown

    pink with black sash

    Teen girls pjs

    All black with a white or red heart on them

    Sweat suit (teen girls)

    Light blue with white, white with purple, light pink with white.

    Adult undies

    Light pink, black

    Adult swim suit

    Light pink, purple

    Boys (kids) pjs

    Well…n e thing but flowers like the ones they have!

    Boys t-shirt

    They all can’t b preppy kids!

    Teen boy t-shirt

    “ “

    Teen boy athletic

    Dark blue and white, red and black

    Adult men tshirt

    They don’t have n e!

    Teen girl pants

    Blue camo

    Kids girl pants

    Pink camo!

    Sweatshirts for all ages

    Like hoodie type things or just regular sweatshirts

    those are my ideas.....yes i know lots but i need someone to make me something since i can't do it on my time program to do it in.
  4. livi

    livi New Member

    sorry. i was in a table but u gues it didn't workd when i pasted it on here.
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Well those are a lot of ideas and suggestions to work with! :D Thanks for sharing them! I might try to make a couple of them if I get the chance to be on the computer much this week. :)
  6. Tahera

    Tahera New Member

    Good ideas! I`ll make some adult (female) swimsuits.

  7. Tahera

    Tahera New Member

    I made some swimsuits

    Here are some examples in the desired colors. What do you think about them?


    Attached Files:

  8. livi

    livi New Member

    There Awsome!
  9. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Very nice. I especially like the one with the big pink flowers.
  10. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Yes, the pink floral on the right and the purple one are especially appealing to me! :D
  11. Tahera

    Tahera New Member

    Thank you!
    All swimsuits are available at SimStuff :D

  12. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    That figures. I can't seem to get my name/password to work over there! (I even ended up changing my password here in my quest to get it to work.)
  13. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    If we are doing a wish list..... I was thinking it would be fun to re-create riverdale and all the comicbook characters, but I'm having a hard time remembering all the names...

    Betty Cooper (parents names ??)
    Veronica Lodge " "
    Reggie ??
    Jughead Jones
    Archie ??
    Mr. Weatherby
    Miss ??

    Help me, somebody. I'm having a senior moment....
  14. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    What's sad is I can't remember the same names YOU can't remember! :p I remember Archie's last name was Andrews though... I think....
  15. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Andrews is right... last name cabot(spoiled brother and sister act) from josie and the pussycats

    who was the girl that had a crush on Juggy? OOH yeah- big ethel?

    and archie's mom was Mary but I can't remember the dad's name...

    If you created all these folks, who would archie marry? Betty, Veronica or someone else?
  16. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I always thought Betty was better suited for Archie to marry, since they had more in common in background and lifestyle, Veronica would expect Archie to behave and support her like the spoiled little rich girl she grew up as, and though I think Archie is more star-struck by her, she's the fantasy and Betty's the real thing. :D Just my impressions though. :)
  17. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I concur. Never did like Veronica much. Never could figure out how she and Betty got to be best friends.

    Oh yeah, what was the butler's name.... oh, oh! Smithers???

    I did like the clothes tho.... not that I ever could have worn them.
  18. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Sorry to double post M.Josh but this thread won't let me edit my old posts or I would have just edited my last one to include...

    Miss Grundy?
  19. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Fine then, make a liar out of me. NOW it will let me edit everything.......
  20. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Yes yes, that was it Ms. Grundy was the schooteacher's name! It's all coming back to me now.... :p I used to read the old OLD Archic comics from the 1940s that my dad had, it's soooo long ago!

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