Mailbox and Trashcan... gone! I'm kinda distraught at the moment. I downloaded a lot which, I now realize, does not have the trashcan or mailbox. I don't want to let the lot go because I put a lot into refurbishing it, so I was wondering if there's any place I could download replacement trashcans and mailboxes. Thanks, John
Wow...I'm not sure. My only thought...if you have nightlife or OFB, is move the family into an empty lot...type "moveobjects on" for the cheat, grab the mailbox and trashcan and put them in one of the sim's inventory. Move back into the house without the trashcan/mail box and place them. Delete the empty lot and hopefully you'll be good to go.
Good call, Shana. I wouldn't have thought of that. It's a shame but there doesn't seem to be a fix (at least one I'm aware of) for replacing these important items. Again this is the problem with downloaded lots. I saw so many in the TS1 days that looked cool in the pics but were little more than "Hollywood" stage sets when downloaded (what you could see from the pics was pretty but go around the back and its all just awful )
Thanks Much obliged. My sims will be very happy. The only question is now... what family do I move in? I'll decide tomorrow. Have a good night, and thank you for your help! -John
Surprises me that the lot still worked. I once, on a whim, deleted the mailbox and trashcan from a lot and ended up with a big hole through the middle of the neighborhood.:eyepopping: It was actually kind of cool. I could take my camera down through it :devil: and look up at the underside of the world. Eventually, I deleted the entire neighborhood. What good's a roadmap with a big hole in the middle? :crackup:
LOL, Lynet ... I dunno though ... I have often been tempted to tear Milton Keynes out of my road maps ... that way I'd have drive to around it instead of imagining that I could navigate my way through the !@#$%^&*( place