
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by wheefi, Jan 2, 2005.

  1. wheefi

    wheefi New Member


    how do you get sims to do masterpieces, either paintings or novels? i know that you have to have maxed the creativity, but what else? how much is a masterpiece worth?
  2. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    I like your sceen name :). Maxed creativity is all that's needed to make masterpieces. The paintings and novels they make aren't always masterpieces, but they usually are. Masterpiece paintings are usually worth $500-600, and novels in the low thousands I think, but I'm not completely sure. Novels take ages to finish and I've never done it, primarily because they don't add anything to the Fun meter. Which I think they should. If painting and making music is fun, why not writing?
  3. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    about writing

    I tried a couple of times to write a book, with the creativity meter maxed out, but I never succeeded. Do my sim have to write the whole book in one go, or can he eat, drink and sleep in between?
  4. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    My sims had a desire to write a novel so I persisted. It will take several sims days before it's done, so yes you can do it in spurts just like a painting. Once it's done you will get a message saying your sims hopes it will sell well. A little bit later you get a phone call (I think) and a message telling you how much money you made. I can't remember how much it was, there was also a bonus involved. It was a pretty good amount, depending on how you look at it. Compared to a career-maxed daily salary (man I wish I earned that much myself), it wasn't worth the bother but my Broke family would have loved it :)
  5. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!


    Zootyxoot pontificated:
    Which I think they should. If painting and making music is fun, why not writing?
    I agree. I am just now finishing a Bachelor in the FIne Arts--Creative Writing. I love writing and it is fun for me. However, I think Maxis was balancing the fact that novels gross so much money compared to painting. Novels are all about money (expense of time and fun) while paitings are fun, a little money, and faster. Seems like a balance issue to me.
  6. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Yes okay but it's a filthy lie nonetheless :mad:. I can see it makes a lot of sense in terms of gameplay, and you can accuse me of disregarding the fact that it's just a game and not a mirror of reality in any way if you like, but Maxis are wrong to not have writing novels grant fun. Zootyzoot has spoken!

    ... Was (/am) I really pontificating? :cry:

    And good luck on your degree, Rowanstaff :).
  7. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!


    No, you weren't pontificating, I just picked a verb to use :) I find it more fun than "Quoted for such-and-such". No insult intended
  8. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    I always ignore the novel writing thing. I tried it once. It took forever. The sims lost fun. It was a boring pointless exercise for little money incomparison to the work you do. The painting thing is much better. My sims get on average around $600 for their paintings (I have seen it get up to around $670). They can do it in one day. They have fun while doing it. I think $600 for a days fun work is not too shabby but I wish that every now and again that you would sell a painting for like $10,000 or something huge. Oh, and my sims consider a painting sold for about $550 upwards to be a masterpiece.
  9. kato

    kato New Member


    Dustin broke grew up and his aspiration meter was pretty lousy but one of his wants was to write a great novel so i thought what the hell. I persisted and he finished it earning him 2,700 pretty good for the broke family. :)
  10. wheefi

    wheefi New Member

    ok, thanks. it's just that i have one sims who doesn't want to do anything else but sell a masterpiece painting or a novel, she has maxed the creativity ages ago, but no luck.. her aspiration is getting pretty low..
  11. Blower

    Blower New Member

    Few interesting art work facts

    taken from the Prima guide(in quotes:(

    "easel created paintings don't depreciate. Rather, they appreciate every two days for sims with creativity with 8 or more"

    as follows:

    "50/50 chance of

    If less than $100, +/- $2
    Between 100/1000, +/-15
    More than 100, +/-50"

    Also note that when the painter of the piece dies the value suddenly shoots up (painting subject doesn't matter) and the above mentioned "every 2 days" changes to "every day" - so ideally one would build a collection of say 15 paintings, die, pass the paintings on for generations, gaining 50 a day ontop of approximatley 2500 per item.
    Personally this would be a matter of achievement rather than wealth, having a piece worth 10,000 would take a few generations - and that's why i'd be proud - however you would have to keep living in the same house every generation - which would either be very boring or cause you to modify the house everytime the parents died. It would be nice if the art work could be transferable - perhaps through modding it could be...

    Oh and hello (1st post :) )

    PS/edit: A masterpiece is defined as created piece worth over $500

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