SimCity 4 Memories of SC3000

Discussion in 'SimCity Legacy' started by jeffmm2, Jan 28, 2003.

  1. jeffmm2

    jeffmm2 New Member

    Memories of SC3000

    One thing I want to clarify... Sorry about the threads that I made that should have been replies...

    Ok, to the point. I have a lot of great memories in SC3000. I always remembered the first city that I built that had large skyscrapers with little fountains around it. I also remember how in another great city I built, I developed a railroad system that went through all of the industrial area and the residential, and how the transportation advisor kept on complaining how screwed up it was! It's typical, but...

    The most memories that I recollect the most are the ones where my large, metropolis cities where undergoing huge major bummer....especially when the aftermath occurs--a large fire on the skyscraper, fires spread, roads disconnected, power out for most of the city.... It was a catastrophe, but now that I recall, it wasn't so bad because you would be able to rebuild part of your city instead of just looking for an abandoned building to destroy.

    How about you people, which memories do you recall the most in SC3000?
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    My first city....and my only city (was also my most perfect city)

    Everything high Population around 900,000

    Had everything undercontrol except air pollution from energy to waste incenerators and airports/seaports.
  3. [ S a g e o n ]

    [ S a g e o n ] New Member

    Quit braggin'
  4. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    Since it was your only city it must have been your most perfect, musn't it?
    I am afraid that using the same measurement, my most perfect city was a very long way from being perfect. Half my industrial zone was blackened out.
  5. LordBrain515

    LordBrain515 New Member

    I hardly remember anything from SC3K... I do remember my one city that had a really beautiful residential island where all the land values were astronomical... Other than that, nothing...

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