Men chasing after the women vs the sims way

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by twocows, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. twocows

    twocows New Member

    Men chasing after the women vs the sims way

    I'll repeat the Subject line:

    Men chasing after the women vs the sims way of conversing with a woman for attraction.

    WHAT THE HELL is that? i mean seriously!!!

    this is a human simulator...

    when a guy sees a hot female he should do what men do. Drool. Chase. Fight for her.

    None of that exists in the Sims 2... :eek: :eek:

    You have to converse with a female to even NOTICE her!! wtf??

    sorry if i sound angry but its true.

    I totally agree with this review that I found on below.

    On the positive side I cant wait to torture the hell outta my sims .. IF i can figure out how to do the things they fear..
  2. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    Wow, I couldn't disagree more

    I find myself disagreeing with almost everything in twocows post and that review. You get from your Sims what you bring to them. You get your interaction reflected back at you in their behavior. The Sims are human simulations but you, the player, are the simulator.

    For example: I can buiilt the perfect flight simulator but each pilot will fly it differently. It is each pilot's abilities that determine the success, enjoyment, and difficulty of the flight. The Sims are no different.

    As for male characters not being "male" enough, I must of course ask "Male by who's standard? Based on whose behavior?" What you think is the "standard" male behavior around women reveals more about you than it does about any standard. The simple fact is this: different people translate masculinity differently, to varying degrees, as do different generations, and different cultures. The only standard is a physical one, that is to say an individual's sex. But gender is not standard. It is each Sim's player that determines the standard masculinity of his or her Sims. Want them to chase every skirt, drool over hotties, then do so. Want them to fight? Easy, have them pick a few fights. But do so knowing it is your estimation of masculinity at work, not a universal standard. Maxis has gone out of their way to make most characters nearly blank slate until they are developed; players choose lifestyle, preference, demeanor, and such; to allow the player to control the standard he or she plays under.

    Here's a hypothetical for you, in opposition on your standard of men chasing after women: What if the person Maxis used to program TS2 male personality traits were gay and he decided his standards should apply to the game's masculinity? How many people would find it difficult to play the game successfully?

    In short, while I do not find your post offensive I do find it fundimentally flawed. It attempts to find fault with the game for the way you choose to play it. While you use a review as support it is a review that shares the same flaw. If it were a hard-coded issue, something unchangable in the game your argument would be sound, but everything you have described is playable any time you want, you just have to make it happen.
  3. twocows

    twocows New Member

    The point i was trying to make was a male should be distracted by a "hot woman" in the same room because thats how men are in real life.

    The game has lots of nifty little things but it lacks that.

    Dont get me wrong. I dont want to turn this into Leasure Suit Larry but its lacking that touch.
  4. pretty_princess

    pretty_princess HeY tHeRe

    your right:eek: i mean!!!i.--:speechless: ......!!if only we could chat with the maxis staff again:( they dont know alot of wat we want!!!i want more life in it:cool: more like real life....more actions,objects,and more.

    MORE!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Wrong. sims are frequently distracted by other sims they are attracted to. Sims are attracted to other sims on various grounds but beauty isn't one of them. Heck! If the game were to be hard-wired to judge sim attractiveness it would almost certainly please no-one. Regarding beauty, psychologists can only agree that it is not a function that is readily reduced to easily computable algorithms ... and why should it be? The human brain has billions of times the processing power of even the most super of super-computers.

    As for your expressed desire that sims should behave according your perception of what is 'real life' ... I advise you to tread 'real life' with extreme caution. The modern, 21st century, woman is increasingly more likely to grind her heels into slathering, drooling tongues than to respond simperingly. :cool:
  6. pretty_princess

    pretty_princess HeY tHeRe

  7. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Wow. I'm glad I've never met one of these 'real life men' of which you speak. They sound obnoxious.
  8. twocows

    twocows New Member

    Oh for crying out loud you people are really hammering me here.

    I was merely stating the lacking obvious.
  9. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    I get your point about attraction being bourne purely out of social interaction rather than based on first appearances, but like Mirelly and Rowanstaff said, the game would piss off far too many people if it decided who was attractive and who wasn't. It can be tedious working on the relationships of Sims who you want to have a purely physical relationship, especially given the relatively limited way in which they interact, but I prefer this way than male Sims acting in the way you describe, which, according to my experience at least, is both unrealistic and would be incredibly grating and a touch offensive.
  10. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Ummm, haven't you seen the "attraction" action qued up? The gal walks into the room, and the guy whistles and snaps his fingers at her, while her picture is shown in the little thought-bubble so you know who he's hot for?

    After reading your posts, I'm just wondering how much you've gotten to actually play the game. Because this is something that's pretty visible pretty quickly.
  11. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Most intelligent post in this thread so far! :)

    BTW, I want to download the sim in your signature and play with him. (slobber, tounge hanging out, "hey, wanna do something about it!?":( laugh:
  12. alaskasmith

    alaskasmith New Member

    Sims of both genders have the "Attraction" thing happen to romance Sims. And there is some idea of beauty in the game, which I personally find odd, which is that "thin" Sims are more likely to get a mate. (There's also the huge fear of "getting fat" that popularity Sims have.) I find it a bit odd since in real life humans like other humans of all kinds of body shapes. :rolleyes:

    Edit: I have no idea how one could code for attractiveness anyways with the slider system making the faces. It just wouldn't work.
  13. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    Double your compliment, double your fun

    Kristalrose stated:
    Most intelligent post in this thread so far! :)

    BTW, I want to download the sim in your signature and play with him.

    I'll take those both as compliments.

    The guy in my siggy is an old character I made long ago. He is like me if I had grown up in 14th century Scotland (yes, anachronistiic). It was this character I was playing in character online when I met my future wife in an RP chat room called The Keep. We are happily married with 3 boys. Because of this sedimental attachment I used him as the father of my self-portrait Sims 2 family.
  14. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    I personally am glad attractiveness of the characters is not a overriding attraction trait for this game. What happens if you want to create bizarre looking creatures, Orcs or ghouls or green skinned aliens. Where would those creatures fit on an attractiveness meter. Maybe they aren't attrative to us but they might be attractive to creatures of the same type. But then we would get a racial bias in the game that I would rather not be there as well. I love my sims in all shapes, colours and sizes and I am glad they like each other that way too. :)
  15. Ningengirai

    Ningengirai Cadwallader

    It's not odd at all. In fact, I find it scarily realistic, considering where the media, magazines, fashion shows et all are going. In order to be popular ( as determined by the fashion etc ) today, you are almost forced/required to be thin because it's an ongoing trend.

    I also think it's ridiculous, but that's a personal rant and doesn't belong here.

    Thankfully, though, Maxis have refrained from adding the body type "so thin you can count ribs". Now that would scare me.
  16. alaskasmith

    alaskasmith New Member

    Actually when you look at the meshes for "fit" Sims straight on, they're Barbie doll stick people. Completely unrealistic. Normally we see them from slightly above, though, which kinda balances them out.

    Besides the pot belly, the "fat" sim is closer to my body shape... and I'm unhealthily underweight according to my BMI.
  17. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    alaskasmith let us know:
    and I'm unhealthily underweight according to my BMI.
    Yeah, the BMI is crap. It is toted by life insurance companies, weight loss gurus, and nutritionists as the first and last judge of fitness. They're nuts. I weight train and do tae kwan do (go Brandt's Association!) and on the BMI appear morbidly obese. Anyone who knows me knows I'm fit as a horse (with kicks to match), but I cannot lose weight. My training causes me to gain muscle for any fat I lose. Other weight trainers I know look like walking coronaries to the BMI when they are in fact in the best health of their lives. The BMI is just a number, just data, and, as any computer programmer will tell you, data is worthless unless it is translated into something meaningful.
  18. Blower

    Blower New Member

    The idea is sound, that a very attractive male/female in real life would get more attention i.e one beautiful girl would have 4 guys trying to talk to her while the other 3 girls sat with each other. same reversed.

    But in a universal game they have to tread very carefully in terms of opinion forcing, looks would be one of them. Imagine if gay couples couldnt get married in game, there would be outrage. Same if the ultimate good looking girl was a 110lbs blonde/blue eyed caucasian.

    I realise your just saying "it would be cool if" - and i totally agree, it would be great if this happend in community lots, people should even loose fun/social when they have a crush on someone who doesn't return it. It would be good if some women plain don't like you and you have to move on to find a different mate.

    As for what is deemed as a realisitic figure, I think the stages are just classed as health - and a simple way to display this is weight. We all know a big healthy guy/gal and we all know a skinny person who looks like they just woke up all the time/ gets sick frequently. Just accept that the majority of unusually heavy people are unhealthy. I think the stick figure should be in the game for people who frequently get amber hunger :)
  19. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Good, because that's how I meant them. :)

    That is sooo cool. :) I got to know my husband playing Dungeons and Dragons back in the 1980's in High School. I'll never forget it: He sent his charector charging into certain death to try to save my charector. That's how I knew he liked me. ;)
  20. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Well, again, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Last night I was making a "fat" sim, and after I dressed her and got a good look at her, she seemed prettier and more realistic than any of the "fit" sim women I have created. My husband peeked over my shoulder and said, "Finally, you have a Sim with a chest!!! Now she looks good!!" (Hubby is a chest-man LOL)

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