Missing Items in OFB

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by JuliaThorne, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. JuliaThorne

    JuliaThorne New Member

    Missing Items in OFB

    Anyone here tried opening a restaurant(or their own business) in their home? It looks like some of the items (the ones you find in a community lot) are not available when building your business at home. However, they're somehow avail. when you purchase an existing business at the Bluewater Village.
  2. MangoOrange

    MangoOrange New Member

    I believe that you cannot open a restaurant on a residential lot, nor can you sell magazines, video games, or perfume. Clothing might have even been included in the things you can't sell from home, but I'm not sure about that.

    I got this info from the BBS, but someone there was quoting from the prima guide, so it's probably correct, especially since you seem to have tried it and not been able to.

    I wonder also about groceries - can you have a little grocery store with an apartment above it? That would be cute.
  3. PlayLives

    PlayLives Member

    No, you can't sell grocieres from home. That is from the Prima guide they have posted on the BBS.

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