Moving out?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by aragorn231, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. aragorn231

    aragorn231 New Member

    Moving out?

    How do you move out? Say you've got a family of 3 sims living together but you've decided that it's time for one of these sims to start a live on his own, in a different house. How do you move this sim out of his current family and into a new house? I guess the first step is to get him in the Neighbourhood's family bin, right? But how?
    I admit, this is probably a stupid question, but I really don't have any idea on how to do it...
  2. banditseys

    banditseys New Member

    Get a newspaper or go to the computer and select the Look for new place option or something like that. Then they will leave, even giving you th eoption of taking others with you.
  3. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    You don't have to move them into the whole family into the family bin if it's just one sim you'd like to relocate. Just like banditeyes said, have that sim go to the computer or read a paper and click on "Look For New Place" option. Your sim will wave "bye-bye" to the family and then when you go into the neighborhood view, he will be in the family bin, waiting patiently for his new home. :)
  4. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    It's too bad you can't choose how much money to take with you when you move out. It'd be neat if, instead of receiving the automatic 20K, you instead had the option of choosing how much money, > 20K, you wanted to take instead, so if your Sim wanted to start with more than 20K, instead of receiving a free 20K, the money would be taken from the family treasury.
  5. aragorn231

    aragorn231 New Member

    That's indeed a good point, or the opportunity to donate an amount of simoleons to a relative (or maybe even a friend) that's not living in the same house.
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    While we're on the subject ... what about wills? :)
  7. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Well, a Sim family can't own more than one house, so obviously, in order to will the house to somebody, somebody has to live there. It *WOULD* be nice if the worth of the deceased sim were what was distributed, though, rather than simply an arbitrary sum of money. As it stands, no matter who dies, the people to inherit anything inherit a random sum of money that is completely unrelated to how much the Sim who died was actually worth.
  8. Toast

    Toast Rebmem Drawkcab

    Future expansion pack "The Sims: Duplex" or "The Sims: Apartment"

    It'd be nice to have a little cheap place to move your recently separated or divorced sims into. Or a teenager who just hit the adult stage and is ready for life on his/her own, but not ready for the responsibility of owning a house...

    I think it would be cool to have a certain part of the neighboorhood be an apartment complex or something like that, and when you go into it from the main neighboorhood screen, it's like another little "neighboorhood" inside the neighboor hood. And from there you can move sims in and out of separate but identatical apartments or condos. And when you walk outside of your apartment, it goes into the "neighboorhood" or "whole apartment complex" view, and from there you can use a barbecue pit outside, or a pool, or whatever. Or evade drive-by shootings if your apartment complex is more of a "project" in the ghetto or whatever. Ok, the last part I'm sure will never be included in any future expansion, but it painted a rather humorous picture in my head.
  9. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    Expansion Thoughts

    Yes, I think it would be a lot of fun for a expansion pack that has condos etc...

    I would love to have an expansion pack like The Sims Unleashed and The Sims Hot Date....(i never tried out the vacation one......:eek: ) Because Knowlegde Sims and a few others don't wont to be devoted to a Husband or Child but a cat dog fish etc.... would let them be social without having to work for 2 hours at a ime a day (sim time.....)
  10. lou_knee

    lou_knee New Member

    From what I understood, the amount of money inherited was related to the aspiration state of the dieing sim, not random. Though you are *errm* right, an amout based on actual worth would make more "cents" ('cuse pun) :rolleyes:
  11. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    The aspirational state of the dying sim, the relationship between the two sims, all affect the amount of money inherited, but then, when you look at it, rolling a die is actually a process of physics. There comes a point at which you can no longer effectively control all of the factors tightly enough to make the outcome predictable, and at that point, it's random. Given the number of KNOWN variables that affect things, let alone the number of unknown ones, this process is not one that is easy to control, as a Sim ready to croak of old age is never so obliging as to keel over at 1800. They like to wait until the aspiration meter starts decaying, then refusing to die. Or they wait until the exact moment all relationships decay, cutting your output by about's essentially random.

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