My Game is Suddenly Buggy I would never give up NL. It has made the game a blast again. My sim's lives are so rich now I can't tear myself away from my computer. BUT ... since I got NL I've noticed a couple of weirdnesses that I've never had to deal with before. It could be due to downloads, but I've had most of these same DL's before and never experienced any problems. Weirdness #1 was when Xander Nova became a teenager. I made him a Knowledge sim and he had no lifetime want! He was like a pre-uni sim. Fortunately, the cement mixer came in handy. I wasn't sure that choosing Knowledge again and accepting would actually change him so I made him a family sim, thinking if he wanted 25 kids or something like that I could change him again later. But fortunately he wants to be Captain Hero, which is a fun LTW, so family sim it is. Some of my sims born in game have the potion of Renu-U-Whatsit, others don't. I know they're not supposed to have it, but they do. When one of my sims (I think it was Alec) transitioned to child he got stuck in his father's upper torso until I had the father do something else, and then all was well. Whew. I took pictures. It was pretty funny, but scary. I like those sims! And then there was the energizer/food booth refusals I mentioned elsewhere, which seem to be a one-time incident so far. And the vampire energy drain, which also only happened once. Anyway, the game is a bit buggy. Nothing I can't handle but I thought I would share ... if the programmers are reading this, they may get some ideas of things to fix, hmmm? So, anyone else noticed weird stuff happening? P.S. Added picture. Freaky, no?
The photo booth ate Castor Nova, does that count? He was on a date with Cherry Straight in her brand new high dollar bachelorette pad when she invited him to join her in the booth (she bought one so she can have public woohoos at home) and they woohooed during a day/night transistion. The game hiccupped and he never got out. It was very frustrating because every time she had a date at home, his etherial presence kept wanting to slap her! Unfortunately it took me a few game days to think about using the boolprop force error thing, and once I did he collapsed and died. :(
One of my graduate couples just unpacked their diploma's. I hung the hubby's dip on the wall and then space-barred to the wife and dragged her dip to hang next to hubby's. Now both dips belong to hubby (She can't even reclaim it!) This was supposed to have cured by the patch. :( The buginess is definitely there and since I've had NL I have had to use some sort of rescue cheat operation at least once in any session longer than an hour or two.
Poor Castor. He's actually the dad in the picture I posted above. Maybe it's him? Maybe he's ... the cursed sim! (spooky music playing).
I had an instance where one house replaced the green diamond with a teddy bear. You heard me right. Each time I switched Sims, they would develop a teddy bear stuck in their torsos!! It was freakin' hillarious!! I was able to use the move_objects cheat and delete the teddy bear, with made the diamond re-generate. No more problems.
Ya know, since your original post I went from one glitch to using boolprop 6 times last night to force errors. What'd I ever do to you? Seriously, last night I had sims stuck at the card table, stuck in the car, one frozen with her hand sticking out in mid air (waiting to hold hands with a sim that had gotten up to do the dishes), and a family member that went MIA after a group outing at the bowling alley (the car drove itself home empty and her icon went away). It took me 2 hours of forcing errors, inviting all the neighbors to look for her, and rebooting my computer (thanks to the previous) before I remembered about the Tombstone of L&D.
I can't blame you, I forgot to knock on wood. It might have something to do with the fact that, after achieving her LTW of woohing 20 different sims, Cherry decided to settle down and marry her maid Brooke. After I gave Brooke a fresh look in the mirror to match Cherry's turn-on's (she looks really hot in a ballgown and custom bronze sasson cut with dark roots), I found out she wouldn't interact with any exercize equipment. I also noticed that when she changed into "special" (her maid outfit) that she also regained her maid-issue black tresses. Methinks the game engine dislikes it when you do a drastic make over on a maid. On the Polly-Anna side, having to yank her back from her bowling trip with the tombstone must have changed her into a full-fledge playable sim because she can now interact with the treadmill and stuff again.
Hmmm ... having never married the help, I couldn't say, she says in a rich lady voice. Kidding, everyone. OK, complete aside but when Spike woohooed Sheila Brown, the cheerleader, he got the "wonder just what I'm paying for" blurb and she shows up as "the help" in his memories. (Woohoo symbol with a little maid by it.) Since when is cheering incessantly helpful?