My house vanished!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by tobias, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. tobias

    tobias New Member

    My house vanished!

    Allright, this is the thing. I had a family. A man and a woman, and they had two kids wich were teenagers, one girl and one guy. The elder was 61 days old. and when i played the game later, the house whas gone! Including the family! Where are they? Anyone help?
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    um...what did you last do? Did you pack up the house or something?
  3. tobias

    tobias New Member

    no i didnt do anything, it was just gone, and it aint in the bin either
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Odd...a house doesn't simply walk away...
  5. litl_mama1971

    litl_mama1971 New Member

    My guess is either you forgot to save. Or like I had a similar problem. I have win xp. I created some houses and a town under my hubby's account and one day I was in mine instead. I couldn't figure out what the deal was. And they I realixed it must not be saved into both accounts. Not sure if that is the problem with yours or not. But I jsut thought I would share my story just in case it helps anyone at all.
  6. tobias

    tobias New Member

    well i had saved because had gone out and on of the house lots of times, and saved each time. i dont get why it vanished-
  7. litl_mama1971

    litl_mama1971 New Member

    Hmm that is odd wish I could help. LIke I said the only time i had that problem is when created some stuff in my husband's account then switched over to mine the next time I played. And my stuff was missing then. but then I had figured out why. I hope you can figure it out soon. good luck
  8. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    Tobias, does anyone else have access to your computer? Not a nice thought, but a thought just the same. Sometimes you have to retrace your steps and think of all possibilities, even if some of them could be unpleasant.

    Other than that, no clue how that could have happened. Are your other houses intact? Did you get any type of message upon entering the game? I'm curious myself about your vanishing house. Hope you figure it out.
  9. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    Something similar to this happened to me just yesterday, someone vanished from one of my families mysteriously without a trace... I had loaded up their lot, looked at the relationships, then went to neighborhood without saving... and she was never seen again. Everyone else in the household was untouched. But an entire lot disappearing? That's something new :eek:
  10. tobias

    tobias New Member

    YES! I found it! Appearently i HAD packaged the lot to a file. So i found it, installed it, and now theyre back! :D
  11. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    Mine dissapeared. Bout 4 different families. Eventually all but two of them showed back up. One was my sis's so it didnt matter but the other one the people still roam but are nowhere to be found lol. I found it quiet entertaining.
  12. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    :eek:... were they kidnapped by aliens... house and all? :p I'm glad you found your family that was packaged, tobias!

    But now I'm wondering what happened to FinalFantasy4ever's missing homes!!

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