My mom says she's gonna buy me the two expansion packs...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kimblee, Feb 10, 2006.

  1. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    My mom says she's gonna buy me the two expansion packs...

    If I pass my GED test.


    Is that all? Piece of cake once I get an ID card.
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Go for it! Good luck.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Ooh yes! Good luck with the test, Kimblee, proof of being "educated" can be fairly useful ... mystified as to why an ID is required though :confused: While on this topic ... what is the minimum age a person can leave school in the US
  4. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Um...what's thte GED test?
  5. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I believe it is age 16...not sure if that a federal or a state regulation though.

    edited to answer person123's question: GED= General Education Degree. It's equivalent to a High School Diploma if you didn't graduate.
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Thanks, Shana. I thought it was but when I looked up GED at Wikipedia I noticed the related articles seemed to assume I knew what "school age" meant to me, in the UK, school age means aged 5-16: when school is compulsory by law.

    I still think it's a shame that our sims can't get an education later in life ... so sad for all those pre-uni and CAS sims.
  7. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    hee hees...

    oh, and you have to have an ID, because obviously people must disguise themselves as teenagers, hire old men to call them 'daughter' and get GEDs...

  8. Rongaryen

    Rongaryen New Member

    Minimum age to drop out of high school in Arkansas is 18. That makes it almost pointless to drop out becuase most ppl are either already out of highschool or they're seniors, that's counting ppl who have flunked a grade.
  9. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    Here in texas I did it at 17... just a few months ago...

    and we did it because we were moving, and it was easier then me having to spend a senior year in a school I diodn't know anyone in

    now, if my ******* of a stepmother didn't insist on refering to me as the dropout...
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Honey, that wicked stepmother is just showing her age.

    Turning on, tuning in and dropping out belongs to a bygone generation ... I'm getting my GED :D

    Maybe you should get that on a T-shirt or a button ;)
  11. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    I shall...

    But that woman hates me... used to 'subtly' 9as subtle as her gut...) drop comments about me failing classes (which i never failed one, although I had to go to summer school once) in front of everyone she could think of...

    now that her own son failed a grade, got skipped back one when he changed schools, and is turning into a hood, AND I'm doing better and putting my life together, she has to grasp at straws to publicly humiliate me.

    lol, now days i can just drop in a "at least i've never been put in a holding cell for shooting a teacher with a bb gun"

    she just LOVES hearing that...

    umm... I'll stop ranting now... (hopefully) I just needed to get that off my chest.
  12. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Good for you!! Way to go gal!!!

    They actually let people out of the holding cells after shooting teachers! :eek: what is the world coming to! :rolleyes:
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Kimblee, honey, that woman sounds like a nightmare, and her poor son. She obviously isn't much of a mom. If you said she was sweet to you and involved in your lives I'd say it was him, but in this case I think it's pretty obvious where a large part of the blame belongs.

    You're not a dropout. You did what you thought was best. Get a higher degree. That'll show her ... not that you should feel you have anything to prove to that woman. :rolleyes: She's hardly set the bar for high standards.

    And, yikes. I agree with Mirelly. I know it was just a BB gun, but what about next time?
  14. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    He threatened to shoot me with it, at which point I informed him if he ever tried it, he would be sent to jail for a LONG time, as that IS assault with a deadly weapon nowdays, and 13 year olds can be tried as adults here in good 'ol texas.

    But she is a *****... spoils him, buys him what he wants and never punishes him...

    he got a gamecube and a PSP for christmas... I got a board game and some soaps.

    Doesn't bother me though, it used to, but I had to learn to shrug it off. I just have a blank tape set aside for when Micheal (stepbrother) is on the news for his trial.

    It has a pretty pink and blue lable. :D

    My new puppy and my other puppy are fighting to get on my lap right now, I am so darn loved. :D :D :D
  15. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Hey there Kim:

    A few thoughts...hahahaha..sorry in advance if I sound a bit pessimistic.. Education is valued and prized so much in my family that it's like a crime not to learn.

    So anyhow, sorry to hear you couldn't get your H.S. Diploma. At all costs, I'd find a way to earn one. Even though GEDs and HS Diploma are worth the same, in the work place I've found out they aren't. H.S. diplomas are considered more valuable than GEDs. Why? Who knows. I strongly suspect because it's because of GED's conception that you bombed out.

    With that in mind, I encourage you to look beyond a GED degree and further your education by getting into college and graduating as this way it will completely overshadow your GED :).

    In your step-mother's odd fashion (and it sounds a bit asian I might add), she does love some odd way. How I can't explain really. But anyhow, I think she was really trying to make an effort for you to stick it out and rough it when transfering to a new high school rather than dropping out.

    She probably saw it this way: Don't run away and not graduate because you don't know anyone or moved. It's an opportunity to grow, take on a new challenge, and overcome a simple obstacle.

    You'll be meeting tons of new people in your lifetime, and it only gets easier the sooner you tackle how to meet and befriend new people. Simply trying to duck and hide only hurts you now, and later.

    Plus who knows what you could be missing out right now...your future best friend...husband...all because you didn't want to tackle a fear of being the new kid?

    Don't worry about being alone. Look at it going to a new school this way. You have the opportunity to be anyone you choose and not have a previous repuitation to define you as who you are.

    Anyhow, sorry if I seem a bit harsh. It was just a few observations I made.
  16. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Kimblee, I highly respect people who get their GED's. :) It shows real initiative when someone goes back to school when they get their lives together. I will agree with Josh and encourage you to look into college after you finish your GED. Nothing looks better on a resume than "Bachelor's Degree". :) Well, except maybe "Master's Degree" or "Ph.D." but you get the point. ;)
  17. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    I am going to college... Funeral Preperation and Embalming to be exact.

    Thank you for your pessimism, its nice to see some. ;)

    And she hates me... lets just put it like that.

    She tells people I'm a freak (in front of me) refers to me as 'the psycho' and once yelled at me after I asked her please to wait until we got home to tear into my father (we were at my violin recital)

    "You know why we fight, because your father cannot ******* satisfy me!"

    the woman is very... I really don't have a word for her...

    But, my GED is only the start, I'm going to takle my core classes at a comunity college, and then go to dallas school of funeral preperation (I hope that's the name of that school... it might be funeral science...)

    So this GED is just my beginning, I've seen my parents fight meaninglessly through horrible dead end jobs, and end up screwed when they couldn;t work anymore. I told myself when i was six i didn't want that.

    Thank you for trying to think the best of that woman btw, If enough people think good about someone, maybe they will become better.

    To give the devil her due, she is a great animal lover, and as long as there is somethign furry withen four feet of us, she can be almost civil.
  18. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Meh, if you're going into a creepy, antisocial occupation like the funeral business, you don't need to "know people", anyway. Just go back to school. Who cares if you don't know anyone? Dead people are easier to deal with than live ones, anyway. They talk less.
  19. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    I told my mom that once.

    She started laughing, then stopped and said "that's just not funny!"

    Dead people rule... but I can't stand the idea of being a doctor... i'd get sick giving injections.
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Plus, hey, if you screw up ... they're already dead! :D

    I hope you don't live with the crazy woman. Josh is a good person to think there might be some good in her. Guess I'm just older and more cynical.

    Some people are just nuts.

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