My sim had 4 alien babies at once!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Cassiepeia, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    My sim had 4 alien babies at once!

    Yep, the maxis made sim Pascall Curious, in my game had 4 alien babies! Quads! Not twins... but quads?! :eek: Good gods?! Is this just a glitch or is it suppose to be an in game joke/surprise? :confused: Any one else had this happen?? It's a nightmare, it was near impossible to look after them when they were babies and toddlers, now that they're children it's getting better though. They're not identical, by the way.. they all have distinct looks and personalities. One of them even has her daddy's eyes (whilst the other three have black eyes). Here's a few of pictures of them.

    Cass. :bunny:

    Attached Files:

  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Good heavens....4 babies at once? o_O
  3. Apart from being green, is there anything different about the alien babies? I had a go on the Strange town Pascal thang and got an alien baby, but then I went back to my normal game and left it.

    Do other kids shun them? Do they start with higher skill points or anything? Or is it all aesthetic?

    And btw, not had a baby get above, well, baby yet (playing a few houses at once), do they have any skill points when they reach teenage/adult life? Cos I always thought it was daft in the Sims 1 that no-one could do anything till taught. Some people are naturally good at things neh? Although I suppose thats reflected by active people learning body faster etc...
  4. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    Nothing different about them sadly, it's all just looks(check out their family tree, by the way.. hehehe kinda funny to see their "mum"). I would have liked there to be something kooky about them (apart from their funny looks). So far all the other kids quite like them. They're brats though, due to the fact that I had a VERY VERY difficult time trying to raise them and didn't get to teach them to walk or talk or go potty (well actually a couple of them got one or two of those skills).
    When the babies become toddlers they can start gaining skill points. Certain babies lean towards certain skills, make sure you have all the toddler toys available for them because that's what they learn on (that's the bunny head, the xylophone & the blocks). You have to pay so much attention to them and their wants and fears that I'd recommend having at least two people looking after them (even if there's only one baby and ESPECIALLY if there's 4! LOL :rolleyes: ). Then when they're children (and teenagers) they have homework to do and they can aquire more skill points using the same things adults can use (except for the gym equipment though... body points are gained in the pool instead).
    One last thing, children can't be left alone in the house (like in Sims 1) you have to hire a nanny, just get her to 'track schedule' and she'll show up 15mins before your sim goes to work, that way all adult sims can work and not worry about the kids being home alone (because they won't leave them anyway).

    Cass. :bunny:
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    2 Points. LOL Cass ... you have waay too miuch time on your hand if you managed to raise quads in that house. LOL. Good on ya!

    For DP, raising kids in TS2 is a masterclass for the real thing. Getting the little b_____s to do their homework, encouraging positive personality traits, helping them to get an education (so they can leave home safely able to cook and change a leaky tap washer).

    Now what I wanna know is when are we gonna start a series of Mendelian trials so that we can ascertain the inheritance ruless for hair and eye color. My sims demand to know what characteristics are recessive and which ones are dominant. :p :eek:
  6. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    :D Why thankyou. :D Yes, I do. :p

    ROFLMFAO!!!! Ya know what, I was thinking something similar to this yesterday when I was messing with the 'create-a-sim'. Good gods, we're waaaaay to involved with this game. Hahahahahahahaha!!!

    Cass. :bunny:
  7. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    What if that is the big secert? That your sim can have more then twins! Because I read a while back that the sims can only have twins, So what do everyone think about that?
  8. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    You might be right. I'm not sure though. I hope it's not because it's a terrible thing, I don't even like the twins (meanwhile, the father of these quads is now an uncle of twin aliens... his brother gave birth today. :rolleyes: ). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it was just a glitch in the program, because it didn't warn me that more then one baby was coming (when twins are born it points out that there are 'two' new members to the family.. it just told me that there was A new member to the family). *shrugs* Who knows, it could very well be the big surprise. It certainly surprised me! :eek:

    Cass. :bunny:
  9. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    I want 4 I want 4 I want 4!!! I don't care how hard it is lol it just makes it more challenging! and I been getting so excited over when I get twins that more would be even better lol. Although Im still trying to get abducted by aliens -.-
  10. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I really hope they come out with a patch or something in an expansion that lets you set which of your custom skin colors and hair colors and eye colors are recessive and which are dominant.... I think I vaguely remember hearing somewhere that the custom content will be dominant so show up more.... but I'd love to create a blue skin, and yellow skin, and be able to set my green skin to show up as the result of the combination of blue and yellow parents! ;)
  11. adsk1027

    adsk1027 New Member

    How did the father end up getting pregnant? I didn't know that was even possible
  12. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I'm guessing it was from looking through the telescope between 10pm and 2am, and getting abducted by the aliens! :)
  13. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    When the men are abducted by aliens they always come back pregnant. They're not abducted very often though.

    Cass. :bunny:
  14. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    darnit i wanna get abducted so bad lol
  15. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Just keep on making your potential abductee look through that telescope between 10pm and 2am every night! I figure if you keep that up long enough it HAS to happen eventually. Your poor sim might not get much sleep though... work could suffer... maybe it's best to plan his life around his new obsession.... ;) :p
  16. Soup

    Soup New Member

    I swear I've read in at least one chat transcript with the Maxis people that you could have either one baby, or twins. They specifically stated that triplets/quads/etc were not possible.

    Even though I loathe raising Sim babies, I now totally want a set of quads! I wonder if quads only occur with the male/alien pregnancies?

    I have all my adult Sims use the telescope from 10-2AM (if I can get them to), and so far, only one female Sim has been abducted. But then I learned that the females aren't impregnated.
  17. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I'm guessing the second twin alien babies were a glitch? Perhaps like the time I had my one infant turn into two identical sim children in the sims 1 game... I paused the game during a transition to take a picture and suddenly a second child appeared in the transition! I could only control ONE of the kids though, the other I started calling the phantom child, as her face never appeared on my family list. It was annoying because I could see the queued up list for the sim I could not control, but not see what my sim I could control was planning to do. That phantom sim snacked me out of house and home too! And loved blocking the bathroom! :p

    Now that the alien quadruplets are older, I'd like to ask, can you control all 4 of them as toddlers or kids?? Do they work like the normal sims?
  18. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    I read that too BUT if it was something they wanted to surprise you with then why would they tell you about it?
    Someone else had quads too.
  19. tobias

    tobias New Member

    Do you have to have a lot of logic to be abducted or doesnt that matter.
  20. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    Doesnt seem to matter as far as I know.... my guy barely had 1 logic point when he got abducted. Then later when he was abducted again he had a little more.

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