My Sims wants to be a slut lol! Help!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Hindyg, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. Hindyg

    Hindyg New Member

    My Sims wants to be a slut lol! Help!

    I have a couple where the guy has family aspiration and the woman has romance aspiration. Her aspirations for points are all WooHooing in public, Woohoo with 3 different people, WooHoo with main guy's best friend.

    This woman is trouble. What have I created?!:eek:
  2. ihavenoskin

    ihavenoskin New Member

  3. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member


    err ahhemm, sorry. But I thought it was funny.
  4. stamata

    stamata New Member

    Yeah my guy is a male slut. Is there anyway that I can reverse it so that he likes being married and wants to have a baby. Cause I kinda don't want to cheat on my wife. I'm in the same boat as Hindyg, cause we both regret making or hooking up with the romance type sim.
  5. killgorian

    killgorian New Member

    If you have her number my SIM could sure use it...

    Seriously though, I made one of mine with the romance asparation and he had a great time collecting the points throughout his life. He finally settled down with an NPC SIM and ironicly she too had the romance asparation.

    Personally, Ive had no problem meeting their asparations and remaining monogomous simply by locking "woohoo" everytime it comes up and getting them togather. It's usually worth 3000 points and the point accumulate faster than most of my other SIMS.

    However my advice is play the field for awhile first. :cool:
  6. ihavenoskin

    ihavenoskin New Member

    let her do it!!!!

    What does ROFL mean? I'm 20 bye the way however not good with internet jargon yet.
  7. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    ROFL = rolling or roll on the floor laughing

  8. Hindyg

    Hindyg New Member

    Also to add to this, this womans worst fears are getting engaged and getting married. The third worst fear is getting rejected for a public woohoo.

  9. ihavenoskin

    ihavenoskin New Member

  10. Michael

    Michael New Member

    I have a male Sim just like that (with the Romance aspiration). Right after his first "woohoo" with his wife, he pops up with the goal of "woohoo with 3 different Sims" and "Love with 2 different Sims".

    Funny thing is if you watch him while he's sleeping, all of his 'thought bubbles' show the icon for himself (meaning all he seems to dream about his himself).

    No doubt about it, that "Romance" aspiration should be renamed "slut aspiration". Kinda fun to play with though! :D
  11. 008125

    008125 New Member

    lol^^ i thought that was funny
  12. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world


    Yup, Ive encountered that thing as well. I have te Jones. Michael and Christmas(get it? Chrismas Jones?Bond movie). Seemingly a very happy couple, good jobs. But Christmas is really trying out the guys in the town(not a big one, everyone knows everything). They moved in 6 days ago, shes already had whopee with 5 different men, OTHER than her husban as well as whopee with her husbands sister and a female co worker. Its mad I tell ya! MAD!
  13. ihavenoskin

    ihavenoskin New Member

    I just got the game yesterday and hooooray it works on full no probs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    However me and my gf made ourselves and we banged on the bed!! It was cool, however my gf then wanted woohoo with 3 diffrent sims??????

    Also I brought home some chick from work so my gf got the mouse and made me go around the back of the house while she beat the Sh*t out of the girl from work!! LOL it was really cool!!!!!!!
  14. litl_mama1971

    litl_mama1971 New Member

    LOL omg all these stores are to funny
  15. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I think it's safe to say that that's what happens with romance sims. They are all sex addicts!!! LMAO!!!

    I have one, Napoleon. Napoleon seduced plain, married Mavis Yokel. Mavis is a family sim, so I could see her thinking about her baby and her kids while she was walking up the sidewalk to Napoleon's house, so I was thinking maybe she felt guilty? Or else wanting a baby with Napoleon, which is one of his fears. So, as soon as the two of them Woo-Hooed, Napoleon wanted to meet someone new. It was his day off, so I had him flirt with Kaylynn the maid. It wasn't too long before he was Woo-Hooing her in the love tub. On top of all this, he is a rising business executive. (I want him to be some sort of billionaire playboy). Now he wants to meet someone new and woo-hoo in public!! Oh, BTW, I was having Napoleon not break it off with Mavis by not calling her, and she showed up on his doorstep on her own, like a stalker or something!!! She was waiting for him when he came home from work! LOL
  16. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    So far the only Romance sim I've played was the Pleasant family's father... I forgot his name though. I only fulfil his aspirations that involve his wife, haha! :D I'm just glad his aspirations change every time he sleeps and wakes up, or he'd be miserable and unfulfilled all the time! :p

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