name of items is it possible that the game didnt install correctly? i found a piece of furniture named something like "C3(4242)^11" its a lounge chair. i doubt its suppose to be named that. whats going on! also, is there a kind of cheat that allows me to move a family out, but not have to empty the house of all the object? i want to move a new family into a house that already has a family, but i dont want to have to buy everything again and put them in the same spot. i know i saw it somewhere, but i cant seem to find the cheat anymore. help! thanks
i found the move out cheat, but im still boggled about the furniture. is there any way to fix it wihtout reinstalling? its really annoying. or maybe someone has the file? i took a snap shot of the item descrption. does anyone know where i can retreive the pic and post it? edit "i found it on modthesims" thats the chair with the funky name. anyone know how i can fix it? id still like to know where i can retreive pics as well. thanks
Cheat Hi there, I'm afraid I can't help with your query as I'm having problems as well but would love to know that cheat for moving if you have it?!
For the finding pics taking during the game see the FAQ's As for the funny name of the chair. I assume this is a chair you downloaded ... if so the name that shows up is down to the person that made it. It's nothing to do with the game. Some CC makers provide long-winded (but utterly useless) dialogs for the tooltips others provide nothing at all. Far too many clone a Maxis object and leave the Maxian tooltip text unaltered ... which is the most annoying of all. It is why I will not pay for downloads. :(
acually no.. this is a maxis chair.. i reinstalled the game and started it with no downloads and it still came out funky.