Need a little ranting room.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JohnEZ, Mar 30, 2006.

  1. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Need a little ranting room.

    I know that when this site was founded, its intention was not for a teen to come and rant. But I need a little room.

    I guess you couldn't say I'm angry... but I'll go for a little confused. You know the whole MySpace craze? Nearly everyone I know has one (myself included). I feel duped, frankly. The problem is going to seem like small potatoes.... but a very, very good amount of people who I hold in very high esteem are drinking.

    I know this is odd to be angered at this. But honestly, I don't consider myself to be an idiot... I'm just a very trusting person. I'm always trying to see the better side of everyone, and in doing so I have COMPLETELY overlooked the obvious. How could I have let myself been so stupid, to have the wool pulled over my eyes that easily? What the hell was I thinking? God only knows.

    Y'know, there is a reason I stay away from the stuff. I have an addictive personality; I obsess. Be it ships, my computer, other interests, etc. etc., if I set my mind to something, that's it. I figure if the things that don't typically have an addiction associated with them will hook me, I don't want to know what alcohol could ever do! It just isn't an option here; the stakes are too high.

    Note, though, that I do not condemn alcohol consumption. If they were over 21, I'd say go get yourself a designated driver, don't make a habit of it, and have a good night. But they're not. They are mere 14 and 15 year olds, drinking, and not realizing the potentially hazardous habits that they are forming. Gah!

    At any rate, it is nearly turning into a headbanging experience. These people are my friends. If they're doing this and I was oblivious, am I overlooking some more serious problems that may be going on?

    But now, seeing that a good portion of you all are parents... what would you say to your son or daughter if they brought this dilemma home to you? Personally, I'm trying to stay uninvolved from the entire thing. But at the same time, I don't want to see something happen to them over something so stupid as this.

    Thanks for listening,
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Under age drinking is a problem for many societies, John. It also happens at all levels; our own Prime Minister's son was found drunk as a skunk in the street a few years ago. My view is that such behaviour is mostly normal for young people. Western society has tried its best to make it seem that we are a civilised species ... but when push comes to shove, adolescents still have to go through the agony of tribal initiation rites. These days this seems to involve alcohol, drugs, sex and driving very fast. It's not pretty but most kids grow out of it with little or no damage.

    You say these people are your friends? I suggest that if you divide you friends up into two groups: very close friends and just guys to hang with you will find that the latter group ain't that important to you and I bet that group also contains the worst of the bums.

    In general most people don't much like to be saved from themselves. Anyone who rocks their boat is apt to get thrown overboard. On the other hand if you know a place where under-age kids can buy booze ... well I'd report that storekeeper's candy derriere to the cops first chance I got.
  3. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    You're absolutely right. I just don't like to watch this. And I *really* don't want to rock anyone's boat, because overboard is bad--the water is a little cold, if you know what I mean. Not to mention, I hate preaching.

    It just seems so... I don't know. Wrong to watch on. I guess I've gotta let go though and let them do their own thing.

    Thanks, Mirelly :)
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Lemme ask u this: Are they really your friends? I'm not referring to people who are merely acquitances, but people who you really really trust and care for a LOT? I have a couple of friends who I really care about a lot and if they are doing something stupid, I'm gonna call em on that and do my best to help them.

    Only really true friends will know that you're thinking for the best of them.
  5. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    OK. Well I broke everything down into a list... and you're right, a lot of them fall into the "people I like to hang out with" group. But by the same token, I had a few who fell into the, "These really are the people that I would trust with anything" category.

    At any rate, the two of you were both right. Most do fall into the acquaintance category. But anyway. Thank you very much for your help :)

    Thanks again,
  6. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Well if those people who you really trust are doing what you are describing above, tell em straight out.
  7. slimsim

    slimsim Often-Idle Member

    GAAH! I can set up whole websites in the amount of time to figure out MySpace. I quit after having to click on EVERY INDIVIDUAL THING you want to edit.
  8. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Ahhh, drinking. Something every Salfordian teenager has to be informed about now.

    My friends used to make a habit of going to a different estate, where another of our friends lives, and they got bladdered every weekend. But these aren't the sort of people you can talk to about it. These are my friends, but too - I don't know, can't describe it - to really listen to advice. There's a word I can't remember. So I let them get on with it. They'll learn in a few years. But until then, I stay away from that bit of the social circle. It was only last week I got invited to go out with them that weekend, and I knew what would happen, that they'd all get blind drunk, so I said no thanks.

    Still, some of you may be thinking who am I to lecture? Here am I to, typing this out, sounding all superior. But of course, I'm no angel. I've never been drunk, but I have consumed alcohol. I think my last drink was... I can't actually remember. Yes I do. It was my Mum engagemnet party - that was the 19th of Feb. I had one and a half bottles of Bacardi Breezer Orange. Oh yes - since then I had a sip of Carling to taste it and I hated it.

    about two weeks ago I was present when my friends asked a stranger to go in the offie for 8 cans of Carling priced at 5.50 for her.

    When I listen to the exloits of my friends when they have been drunk I am embarassed for them. One has been up to a police officer in the street - I'm suprised she wasn't arrested, threw up outside a McDonalds and sat in the middle of the road with her thumb up to passing cars. All in one night. Another kissed a guy (who sorry - but is a complete dog), and another has fallen over resulting in a cut knee that meant she had a week off school, an enormous scar and has only just healed. That was about 3 months ago.

    Okay, so I've drank alcohol before. But personally I do feel superior compared to my friends that embarass and damage their bodies through drinking. I know when to stop, and know you don;t have to drink it to look cool. I'm cool anyway! :p

    Speaking of looking cool, a friend at the engagment party (12 years old) drank more than I did. After her first bottle she insisted she didn't want anymore and said she wanted Pepsi instead. Then however, we saw a boy from round the corner (so cute!) (ex boyfriend actually LOL) outside - we saw him walking past so went to say hi - and then she said quite loudly while we were talking to him that she wanted another drink. I was quite clear from the way she said it that she was hoping to impress him.

    Now that is sad. :(
  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Good for you, Babe! And good for your parents too. Young people should be able to learn about alcohol within the family. Societies that try too hard to control drinking merely force it underground. Your friends would probably admit to being very jealous of the fact that you can share some fun with you family, whereas the best they manage is get wasted in cold, dark, wet city streets with a bunch of equally irresponsible people.

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