Neighborhood Stuck I hate building houses so i usually download them from and just install them in the game. I installed this house that took an abnormally long time to load, and then I went and played a different house. When i quit the game and came back, my neighborhood screen was centered on the buggy house and I can't move so that I can see the rest of the neighborhood (and the buggy house is in the very bottom corner!). I deleted the house and restarted, but it didn't fix it. Any ideas?
You have to remove the download from the whole computer, I think. Try that. Delete it form your Downloads folder. Others have more experience in this frield - they may give you a step by step guide if you ask nicely.
Ouch. It sounds like it had some things that got left on your computer. You should probably go through your downloads with something such as the Maxis Content Manager from the official site or the Clean Installer that you can find on MTS2. Those can help you find problem content and are used without having the game up. (Like Bodyshop, they don't work if the game is in use.) In the future, you may want to make sure that the houses you download do not have bad content. On the official site, it lists what the content is (under "details"). You can download things to a file, then use the Clean Installer to open them. That lets you remove buggy things (such as unwanted hacks, empty packages which are corrupted and the like) before you start playing your game.