New Creature for Seasons? does anyone know possibly if there will be a new creature included in seasons? i know there's one for university which is the zombie nightlife= vampire pets= werewolf and i dont think there is a creature for OFB so if anyone knows what the new creature is, or if there is one that'd be great thanx.
Plant People ok i have just discovered there is a new creature, the plant person you can become this person by overusing plant pesticides. As a plant person you can spawn babies, the plant people gain a prank to use on other sims, and can still get married and have children. OOOH OOH AAAAAAND Theres a new neighborhood, Riverblossom Hills and is expected to have new lots, sims, and possible a storyline!!
Where did you hear about this, Jazz? Well, the details, anyway. I went over to MTS2 and found this: There are some pictures from the new EP, and two of them show a green sim. Not much else is said.
go to its there i tells ya. read the whole thing, i sorta copied some of it too.
Here you go! Through your wiki link I found a very detailed and comprehensive article including some awesome screen shots!
I heard about the Plant People, made me laugh. I thought of the movie "Creepshow", and the guy who turned into a plant. Hilarious.
Just so you know, I'm moving this because it think it's better fitting under general discussion, then more people can see it!