New Longer Lasting Uni ... Now that I have NL, it is taking my sims a long time to graduate from university. Not that I'm complaining. NL means that uni is fun again, as I've mentioned before ... but I've been playing the Andrews sisters (heh. Just realized that ...) in college for a week of real time or more. Haven't kept strict track, but it's at least that long. Of course, I've also been playing their boyfriends, one of whom is in a different house, with sideroads to the Vampire Sorority House (yep, all three of 'em got bit ...) and a brief stint at the Frat house. Still, it's taking them a long time to graduate, and I don't care. Having soooo much fun. They graduate tonight and I can't wait to set up housekeeping. Got a cool idea for my vamp's new house. If you don't have both uni and NL, I recommend it. With NL, uni no longer means your sims are trapped at school, they don't have the responsibilities of a grownup yet, they can party all the time and scrape by unless they have a "graduate with honors" want. Had my first sim go on academic probation last night. Woops. Hard to get those vampires' grades up, but shah. Who cares if Brittany Upsnott gets kicked out of college? She'd make a nice whiny sorta NPC to pick on. Don't really know what the topic is here, other than, with NL what fun things have you found that make the game "new" for you again?
Thankx 4 that it was useful!! i only have uni and be trying to figure out wheather or not 2 get NL!!!
You know, I never graduated a Sim, even though I have Uni... *strokes pretend beard in a thinking motion* hmm. I'll have to try it sometime.
Crikey, Babe. Wossup widdya? (I have a mental impression of all Babe's students being on an eternal cycle of wild parties and academci probation ... never close enough to graduation to count, never quite bad enough to get rusticated.
Maybe she should take all her classes by correspondence? Living in a greek house gives her unlimited influence with new pledges so one good toga party should garner a roomful of volunteers to do free term papers and assignments. The only thing she should have to show up to is the final exam at the end of each term, and then only if you want her to make the dean's list.
Hey, good idea. I don't have pledges right now. Spike (my vamp who just graduated) had no problems getting through college, nor did his girlfriend. He wasn't exactly summa *** laude, but she was, and they're both vamps. You don't have to attend classes, just get the skills and do the term paper. Though with pledges that would no longer be necessary, either ... It just never occurred to me to use pledges. I don't like Brittney all that much, so no big. But I might do that for Tiffany ...
Well, usually, you'd be right. But I always manage to keep my students' grades up. They are all straight A students! I just get distra
Babe, you sound like me. Hubby has found a T-shirt in a cataloge that I think will be in my stocking at Christmas: "What do you mean I have ADD. . . Look, a Chicken!"
LOL Kristal! I guess I had it comming as payback but will still send you the bill for my replacement keyboard. Boy, Mt Dew really burns your sinuses!
I did. I've told this story many many times, but it's the stuff that made me go hypo at the theatre and laugh all the way through a play that wasn't a comedy. (It was Code Red. The drink flavour, not the play.)