New Member Here. Can't wait for TS2. I can't wait for The Sims 2 to be released. I came to this site to chat with some other Sims 2 anticipators.
Hahaha. I keep creating stories for it in my head and it has the new graphics and the sims grow up in my dreams. That's pretty much the extent of it. Yes, I am obsessed. Have been since the very first Sims game first came out looooong time ago.
Hi, I'm new here too! I've been a member at the Sims2Talk for a while, but I just can't get enough of the Sims, so I've decided to join here too! I'm slowly going insane, waiting for it to come out... :0)
Ahhh... this game is going to be great. But they better release it before my head explodes! I don't know how much more suspense I can take!!! lol... the saying is true in my case "the suspense is killing me!"