*NEW*Questions Needing ANSWERS!* HELP! Part 2

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by nunyabizniz2399, Jul 7, 2006.

  1. nunyabizniz2399

    nunyabizniz2399 New Member

    *NEW*Questions Needing ANSWERS!* HELP! Part 2

    :confused: :( :mad: :) :rolleyes: :eek: :p ;) :cool: :shocked: :knockedout: :cry: :bandit: :confused:
    I had to redo my thesis interview questions that were previously posted. Here are the new questions. If you can answer these I would be most greatful. If I have questions about your answer I will e-mail you directly. If you have another e-mail address you would like me to reply to please e-mail it to me or post it after your answer. Title your e-mail SIMS REPLY.

    My e-mail address: nunyabizniz2399@yahoo.com


    Interview Questions

    Your Age: If you don't want to put your age please let me know if your over 18 by saying over or under.

    Your Gender:

    Edition you play most: Sims, Sims 2, Sims Online

    1. Why do you play The Sims?

    2. On average, how many hours do you spend playing the Sims a day? What was the longest amount of time you spent playing the Sims without much of break in between?

    3. If you play regularly, how do you feel when youre not able to play? Explain.

    4. Are you in involved with any organization that has organized gaming groups? If yes, explain why?

    5. Walk me through a typical gaming session. Give me a mini tour of what you do from scratch. What are you typically trying to accomplish?

    6. How do you decide what type of character to create? Explain.

    7. How does your daily life reflect in your character(s) lives? Any similarities? Any differences?

    8. What do you like most about playing the Sims? What do you like least?

    9. Does playing The Sims ever get in the way of other things?

    10. Does doing other things ever get in the way of playing Sims? How do you feel when it happens?

    11. Tell me about a unique experience (during game play) youve had while playing The Sims.

    12. What do you create during game play that relates to other aspects of your life? How does it relate? Why did you choose to incorporate this into your game play? Explain

    13. Do you feel any kind of connection with your characters? What type? Explain.

    14. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, explain.

    15. If you could change anything about The Sims game, what would it be?

    16. If you could be a character in the Sims what would it be?
  2. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Interview Questions

    Your Age: If you don't want to put your age please let me know if your over 18 by saying over or under.

    • 25

    Your Gender

    • Female
    Edition you play most: Sims, Sims 2, Sims Online

    • Sims2

    1. Why do you play The Sims?

    • For relaxing time and to "escape" my real life at times.
    2. On average, how many hours do you spend playing the Sims a day? What was the longest amount of time you spent playing the Sims without much of break in between?

    • On average, 3-4 hours a sitting, about twice a week. Longest time playing without much of a break? Sad to sad, but it was probably around 13 hours.

    3. If you play regularly, how do you feel when youre not able to play? Explain.

    • Well I normally play on the weekends, but if it's been two weeks, I start to get a little edgy, like I need to make sure my little people are okay and progressing in their lives.

    4. Are you in involved with any organization that has organized gaming groups? If yes, explain why?

    • No

    5. Walk me through a typical gaming session. Give me a mini tour of what you do from scratch. What are you typically trying to accomplish?

    • I pick a family that I have established, play them for a while, just for fun. No real goals in mind to accomplish, I tend to let them lead me. If they are close to a promotion though I attempt to do that, and to always fill their wants and attempt to keep them in at least gold at all times. Sometimes I have specific story lines made up for them already, such as a single parent, or a old unmarried spinster. Depends on what kind of a mood Im in. Sometimes I just go in and build. Honestly there isnt really a typical gaming session for me. I just go with what I feel like doing for the day.

    6. How do you decide what type of character to create? Explain.

    • Depends on if I have a goal in mind or not. Sometimes I create Sims just for genetics, and attempt to match couples that would make either beautiful or interesting children. As far as personality goes, that depends on what kind of a mood Im in. Feeling relaxed, probably knowledge, saucy, romantic or pleasure, dreamy, I create family Sims.

    7. How does your daily life reflect in your character(s) lives? Any similarities? Any differences?

    • No real similarities, my Sims

    8. What do you like most about playing the Sims? What do you like least?

    • The freedom within the game is what I like the most; least, the time suck that it is! Hehe, okay, about the game itselfsome of the limited actions they can do.

    9. Does playing The Sims ever get in the way of other things?

    • Yesjust ask my boyfriend who would rather me do the dishes on a Saturday afternoon.

    10. Does doing other things ever get in the way of playing Sims? How do you feel when it happens?

    • Not really

    11. Tell me about a unique experience (during game play) youve had while playing The Sims.

    • Id have to say all the first experiences, like first abduction, first secret society abduction, first baby. My favorite experience thus far is when my first infant turned into a toddler. I thought it was sooooo adorable training that toddler to walk and talk! Now its just every day life for my Sims

    12. What do you create during game play that relates to other aspects of your life? How does it relate? Why did you choose to incorporate this into your game play? Explain

    • My Sims have babies because I want to have babies! LOL, honestly everything within the game relates to our lives just because they live like we do. Nothing special about it.

    13. Do you feel any kind of connection with your characters? What type? Explain.

    • I get attached to my Sims because Im the one who created them. More like a parenting role I guess.

    14. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, explain.

    • Yes I have, Im in Minnesota and there are several of us from the WorldSims board that have gotten together in real life. Plus it seems like we just get to know each other quite well over the board if were regulars.

    15. If you could change anything about The Sims game, what would it be?

    • Just one huhId add more interactions between the Sims, specifically with infants and toddlers, right now its pretty limited.

    16. If you could be a character in the Sims what would it be?

    • Id be a happily married family Sim with a great love life ;) and 4 little ones running around!
  3. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Interview Questions

    Your Age: Under

    Your Gender: Female

    Edition you play most: The Sims 2

    1. Why do you play The Sims?

    Because it's nice to experience the different walks of life.

    2. On average, how many hours do you spend playing the Sims a day? What was the longest amount of time you spent playing the Sims without much of break in between?

    I don't play very much, because my 'puter is very slow. About twice a week at least, but usually not for long because I tend to lose interest quickly. The longest I've played The Sims 1 was like all night :eek:

    3. If you play regularly, how do you feel when you’re not able to play? Explain.

    I get bored really easily. We've moved somewhere were people are... It's a bit hard to explain. Who cares. All my friends live down south so I get bored easily.

    4. Are you in involved with any organization that has organized gaming groups? If yes, explain why?


    5. Walk me through a typical gaming session. Give me a mini tour of what you do from scratch. What are you typically trying to accomplish?

    Well, usually I get frustrated with the time it takes, so I use cheats to grow them up faster. But lately I've been on my sim-self only using the money and motive cheats. And I'm giving them realistic days, with brekky and dinner and inviting friends over for dinner etc. But it's so slow...

    6. How do you decide what type of character to create? Explain.

    Sometimes I just let them look like what they want to look like. And change their personalities alittle, so it's not too radical.

    7. How does your daily life reflect in your character(s) lives? Any similarities? Any differences?

    It's very different. In real life my family are like robots. Go to work and school, come home from work and school, eat, sleep. No vacations, no going out with friends. And it's not a nice neighbourhood at times, so no going for walks along the beach and stuff like at my old house.

    8. What do you like most about playing the Sims? What do you like least?

    I like the variety, you can do things you wouldn't be able to do in real life. I don't like the limited actions.

    9. Does playing The Sims ever get in the way of other things?

    LOL, yes... "Alison, get off that bl**dy computer and load the dishwasher!"

    10. Does doing other things ever get in the way of playing Sims? How do you feel when it happens?

    Not really. Just chores and stuff, but hey, who cares. Chores ain't gonna kill me. Oh yeah, walking home from school is a bummer. It takes half-an-hour to an hour to get home, and i'm so buggered when I get home I just want to sleeeep. But it's good excercise.

    11. Tell me about a unique experience (during game play) you’ve had while playing The Sims.

    Hmmm. When I first got The Sims 2 I made a couple, moved them into a premade house, and let them start a family. The first pregnancy ended up with twins. Natural, no cheat twins. That was pretty cool.

    12. What do you create during game play that relates to other aspects of your life? How does it relate? Why did you choose to incorporate this into your game play? Explain...

    Uh... Well, as I said, I have a sim-self that sort of resembles me. I actually have two, but one is on my sister's neighbourhood, so her sim-self has a sister, and her sim-kids have an aunt.

    13. Do you feel any kind of connection with your characters? What type? Explain.

    Hmmm. Not really. I'm just a bystander. I was really happy when my Legacy Sim Generation 2 became a teenager... Actually, she still is a teenager :eek:

    14. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, explain.


    15. If you could change anything about The Sims game, what would it be?

    Like JupiterShana said, more interactions would be cool.

    16. If you could be a character in the Sims what would it be?

    LOL, I'd probably be like a hermit, living alone, and chasing the mailboy off with a pitchfork...

    I hope that helped your thesis.
  4. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Interview Questions

    Your Age: 12...turning 13 in August

    Your Gender: Female

    Edition you play most: The Sims 2

    1. Why do you play The Sims?

    When I play, all the worries about school, friends, etc don't really matter anymore and I can relax a bit. It's also therapeutic when you're in a bad mood...just off a few sims and you feel better again!

    2. On average, how many hours do you spend playing the Sims a day? What was the longest amount of time you spent playing the Sims without much of break in between?

    Well, I only play about twice a week...Sunday and Saturday, and probably around two or three hours each. So on average, an hour a day.
    The longest simming session I took with only bathroom breaks was five hours. I'm not embarrassed. :rolleyes:

    3. If you play regularly, how do you feel when youre not able to play? Explain.

    Sometimes I go for weeks without playing if I'm particularly busy, and it's not that big of a deal. Sims 2 is an indulgence for me.

    4. Are you in involved with any organization that has organized gaming groups? If yes, explain why?


    5. Walk me through a typical gaming session. Give me a mini tour of what you do from scratch. What are you typically trying to accomplish?

    I used to have a Legacy family, where there are a set of rules, and then when you do certain things you earn points. Here's a link: http://legacychallenge.com/ However, I lost all my families in the Crash of '06, so now I decided to try playing with the premade families that Maxis puts in the game at the beginning. Right now I'm just doing normal things--getting to the top of the sims' careers, getting straight A's, getting scholarships, earning money and expanding the house. That sort of thing.

    6. How do you decide what type of character to create? Explain.

    I don't create new sims very often...usually only once at the start of the family, or not at all when it's premade, and then I have them marry townies (more premade sims) from then on. At the beginning, I just go with my whims. Sometimes I feel like having a feisty redhead, sometimes a ditzy blonde, sometimes a lazy Bob Newbie-type guy. I also try not to make my sims too pretty. When all of your sims are beautiful it gets a bit boring...

    7. How does your daily life reflect in your character(s) lives? Any similarities? Any differences?

    Very few similarities. I tend to go a bit crazy with my sims...mix in a bit of drama here and there with extramarital relationships, alien abductions, kids taken away by the social worker. Nothing like that happens in real life with my family or any others I know.

    8. What do you like most about playing the Sims? What do you like least?

    I like the parts that are realistic, and I don't like the parts that are unrealistic. Pretty simple. :rolleyes: Like...the career tracks are pretty unrealistic. The jobs have nothing to do with each other!

    9. Does playing The Sims ever get in the way of other things?

    Of course. I play TS2 while I'm doing homework, eating...multitasking is a great skill of mine, though the quality of my work decreases.

    10. Does doing other things ever get in the way of playing Sims? How do you feel when it happens?

    Homework. Lots of homework. Extracurricular activities...practicing violin. I got a fresh shock when my results from an audition to a state-wide orchestra came back and I got into the lowest group possible. That didn't deter me from my "only practice on the day before lesson" routine, however.

    11. Tell me about a unique experience (during game play) youve had while playing The Sims.

    One time I made this really butt ugly sim who somehow made his way into the skirts of all the ladies in town, and when angry spouses came knocking he'd lock them up in small cells for them to starve. One of the sims started crying while he was staring out the window, looking hopeless...I commend Maxis on the realism.
    You see what I mean by how I tend to go crazy with my sims?

    12. What do you create during game play that relates to other aspects of your life? How does it relate? Why did you choose to incorporate this into your game play? Explain...

    I created a few simselves, but those are totally unrealistic because they're adults and they live in humongous mansions with salmon pink stones. I just like to indulge in my fantasies.

    13. Do you feel any kind of connection with your characters? What type? Explain.

    Well...after a few generations of Legacying, I sort of lost interest in any promotions, successful transitions, etc. I used to scream and shout in joy whenever they got promoted and got a bonus, but now it's just...whoopee. I sort of feel like I'm just watching them. I don't feel their emotions when they feel them.

    14. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, explain.

    Well, one of my good friends also plays TS2, but I introduced it to her so I guess that doesn't count.

    15. If you could change anything about The Sims game, what would it be?

    More interactions between different age groups, weather would be fantastic though it's quite unfeasible.

    16. If you could be a character in the Sims what would it be?

    I'd be this eccentric lady with brightly colored, mismatching clothes and lots of odd pets and hobbies.

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