New to WorldSims

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tee, Jan 11, 2002.

  1. Tee

    Tee New Member

    New to WorldSims

    Nice to meet everyone! I am new to WorldSims and still learing about my own Sims. I don't get alot of time to muck about with them, but when I do there is at least a couple of hours gone. Does anyone else find that there Sims move awfully slow compared to the amout of time that goes by on the Sims Clock?
  2. Blue_ghost

    Blue_ghost Guest

    nice to have you here. i am tyler. i hope we can become good friends in the future.
  3. lworley

    lworley New Member

    ahh ummmm. *twiddles his thumbs*

    the classic simulation contradiction... fast time but slow graphics

    well time has to travel in order for it to be simulation and the sims move normally, but would you want a game that only had one speed? of course not so you can speed it up,but your sims can't render faster time properbly.

    allthough the faster computer you have the faster they move when time is sped up

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