New Year's rez... So as the old year passes away, it's time to look forward to the future. In keeping with tradition, I am only making one resolution, to live kindly. So what do you resolve to do in 2004?
hmm...probably saving more money then in the past o.o I been broke most of the time and would like to at least save $10 a month lol.
To find my place in this world that will let me be me. I feel that I have found the person, just need to be with him, but he is working on it, he is making all the arrangements and paying for it.
That's a good one, but not nearly as good as Simzer's. Well, anyways. Mine is to not have Book find out where I am. That'd really ruin my year.
hmm I have more than 1 resolution but they all seem to be about spending more time on working on my life, getting myself and my living space healthy (or healthier) and learning the things I want to learn, like Spanish and more computer related stuff. This time for my list of resolutions I didn't just put the resolutions, I added little notes under each for my plans/strategy of HOW to work on them! "Learn more Spanish" from last year's list left me not sure I'd done that... so this time I have stuff under it like "finish reading Clan of the Cave Bear in Spanish" and "read through the Spanish Textbooks and study each week."
You sure have a lot more discipline than I currently have, that's for sure. As for my other other other resolution, it was to be less lazy, but since I am too lazy to make it into a true resolution, there's just not gonna be any resolutions at all this year.
hahaha that MIGHT be true... it was sure funny the time I went off my diet after 89 days and the clerk at the ice cream store freaked out over the idea of BEING on a diet for 89 days! I got HUGE double scoops on my ice cream cone though, he made sure going off my diet was worth it! And now I'm in the process of going back on my diet again for this year.... I may get sick and tired of eating like this ALL the time but at least I'm getting my veggies!
lol my new year resolutions..have tons..well for one i'm gunna try work as hard as i can,so i can move out of the place i stay in now. lol another one..cutting back on choc
Nooo not ...gasp... CHOCOLATE!! Good luck working on moving out, it was really hard for me the last couple of times we moved... hard on hubby too as it was in December both times and he was working 60-70 hour weeks AND helping me pack and move boxes and furniture!!
Good luck Tess, I know what you're going thru. I just hope that it isnt your FIRST time moving out of where you've been living.
Four more years gives you plenty of time to pack! haha! ...hmm... I think I have more than 13 pounds on my hips... I heard another version of that saying, it went: "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!"