NPC's Earlier in the year (not exactly sure) Maxis said that you could marry NPC's. Can you still marry NPC's? Or did they take that feature out of the game?
While they've been busy telling us more about other features (such as the aspirations and fears) more, I don't believe that they have taken out this feature. But within the next month (when the strategy guide comes on-line as an ebook or when the book itself comes out a mnth from now) I'm sure we'll know more for sure. I believe that they would have mentioned something about it if they had removed it. I believe that we haven't heard more because they've been more interested in talking about new things they want to get us accustomed to rather than old things that we all seem to know about.
That's good. It just seemed as if the topic dissapeared for good. BUt I have another question. What happens when you marry an NPC and they die what happens to them?
That is a good questions. I would also like to know that as well! Or while the npc is at work and if that is your sims husband or wife can you kiss them on their job?
Apparently when you marry an NPC, it's like marrying a Townie was for TS1. They live normal lives after that. I got the feeling that although we'll have townies, that the NPCs will be those townies.
Wana know what I think would be neat? If you could sort of buy NPCs. So you could have like a Grand Piano in your house, and you could hire someone to play on it and provide atmosphere. Or maybe you could just hire them for occassions. But it would be neat either way.
Ooh, that would be great! Especially for weddings! "Hot Date" did that, if you had a piano in your downtown lot, there would be a piano player, I even built a restaurant around a whole piano once, because I thought it was such a cool feature. But being able to hire one would be superb. Maybe they could stick that into an EP!?
Ya it was neat in hot date how there were NPCs generated for certain items. But I'm talking about home-use NPCs.
I hope they have some interesting npc's. Especially in the form of store clerks, waiters/waitresses, and maids. Being rich and hitting on the maid will be awesome!
They should have realisitic npc's too. Sorta like ones you see every once in a while when you leave your house.
Is it true that if you marry a NPC they lose their jobs? I read it in an article @, it was an article translated from french
That is what it sounds like. If you marry an NPC they become a regular player in your household and you'll have to find them another job. But, things could have always changed.
In the chat today it was said that the NPC becomes a plyable character and a new NPC takes their job. They even say you can marry the burglar!
Well if they're working in crappy jobs like maid/store clerks they wouldn't be making that much money anyway. But it would be cool to keep the maid job and use it to steal stuff from wealthy sims houses....