Spore Ocean Quigley Projects: Spore’s Black Holes, Protoplanetary Discs and the Galactic C

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by Judhudson, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. Judhudson

    Judhudson is a Hi-Tech Redneck

    Ocean Quigley Projects: Spore’s Black Holes, Protoplanetary Discs and the Galactic C

    Thanks to InfiniteSims for tipping me off on a new update from Ocean Quigley’s Project Blog.* This time he shares with us some insight on the black holes, protoplanetary discs and the galactic core found in Spore.

    Here are some animations of astronomical features I built in Spore, using Andrew Willmott’s effect system.

    I was going for an aesthetic of caricatured reality. These things had to look more like people expected them to than like they (probably) really do.

    Here’s a black hole:

    And the galactic core (with huge jets shooting out from the poles)​

    And a protoplanetary disc, where a cloud of dust and gas is collapsing to form an infant star and solar system:​

    Creating animated, interactive versions of the things that I read about in Our Universe in fourth grade*was a total blast. It’s pretty much the best job I could have imagined having as a 10 year old.​


    (I loved that book when I was a kid! Especially with those amazing Michael Whelan paintings of aliens floating in a Jovian atmosphere)​


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