Odd decrease in performance. AMD Athlon 64 +3500 2.2 Ghz Geforce 6800 GT 1 GB Corsair XMS 120 GB WD Hard Drive Audigy 2ZS X-Connect Ultra 500 Watt PSU So for the majority of the time I've been playing The Sims 2 through Nightlife, and performance has been flawless. Then somewhere along the way I install Age of Empires 3, Call of Duty 2, Civilization 4, break my Civ4 addiction, and decide to go back to Sims 2. Now, for some odd reason, my performance has been subpar, dipping below 30 FPS in the neighborhood view. I was wondering if anyones experinced this before and if this is a situation that warrents rolling back drivers or doing a complete uninstall. (I've already tried deleting all my custom items)
LOL Randy all those installations! Guess we all need lessons in the need for defragging. Nice system you got. Is it noisy or have you got one of those super-duper sound-insulated cases or eek water cooling?
Nah, water cooling for my system is unnessecary. I really haven't done anything special but replace the CPU heatsink since the stock AMD Athlon 64 heatsink does create a bit of a noise if you dont have a way to cap the fan speed.