Odd things that have happened.

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kimblee, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    Odd things that have happened.

    In I think veronaville, I found a family in the family bin, the Capps, had, like, four kids and a mother and father?

    Well i got them into a house.... and the mother was invisible... she did everything I asigned her to but never appeared. so i evicted them and moved them back in. they were fine then.

    Then, in a custom neighborhood, one of my sims got himself fused with the "lil' chemera" bunny-bear. (a user made item I got off of modthesims2)

    It was kinda funny to me, since it was in my amestris neighborhood... the only way that could ahve been funnier was if it had been my tucker sim....

    so, is this normal, a glitch, or just a randomly occoring thing? Should i worry?
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL I think those are referred to as "bloopers" cos sometimes stuff just happens. See attached pic. She gave me quite a turn, I can tell you. :rolleyes:

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  3. Peppermint

    Peppermint New Member

    I had something similar happen once, where a sim brought her friend Inara (a playable character from another family) home from work, only Inara was invisible. At first, I thought she might have left or something, but then I saw the champagne bottle appearing to give a toast by itself, and I realized that she was "there," I just couldn't see her or have my sims perfom any interactions with her. This happened for a couple of days, during which she used the bathroom and gave said toast but never acually interacted with my other sims. I never got a pop-up to say that she was leaving, but she must have, since she was "visiting" again the next day. She was perfectly visible on her own lot, though, and the third time my sim brought her home, she was visible again.

    The whole lot was a little buggy though; the sim couple that lived there got stuck cuddling in the hot tub once and I had to use the move objects cheat to get them to get out and go to sleep. Too bad, too, because I had been getting ready to fulfill the husband's "woohoo in hot tub" aspiration for the first time when it happened.
  4. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    Oh no! You have a mass murdering sim!

    Hide the woman and chidlren... well, just the women, we can use the children to lure it outside.
  5. MangoOrange

    MangoOrange New Member

    You don't really want to see her anyway!! ;) She's got the most horrible "I've been sucking lemons" mouth ever. I've really never seen such a grotesque upper lip.

    Her oldest daughter has the lemon lips too. I gave them both plastic surgery and both of them were beautiful afterwards. But, I forgot about the lemon lips and I let Miranda have a child. He's only a toddler, but he appears to have inherited the lemon lips. :eek: Nooooooo.....
  6. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    Well I don't have any pictures to show you but just this morning I had one of those bloopers happen. I finally got my sim to graduate from college, finally! I mean I felt like it was not only four years but he was also going for his doctorate. Anyway when he changed to an adult his head was white with letters. His hair and the rest of him was perfectly normal except he was wearing a hideous leisure suit. Once I got him into the neighborhood he was normal again but his icon still had the white face with letters so I had him change appearance. He was fine afterwards.

    I don't know I think the game just sorta hiccups everyonce in a while and gives you those strange things.

  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Another one from today ... the game does get confused by diagonal walls. She was in the dining area and he decided not to go through the archway immediately to his right, but instead just went totally Baty and lunged for the hug straight through the drywall :D

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  8. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    I nearly started choking on my crackers! lol That's classic!
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    LOL, Mirelly. The headless one is really scary.

    And what happened to Ruthie's college graduate happened exactly the same to two of mine -- the white head with the letters all over it.

    The blooper I had last night happened to my sim's elderly Mom. She was quietly playing chess when I told her to take a break and go to the bathroom. She moved around the house like she was on an invisible wheelchair. Didn't seem to matter whether I had her change clothes or change appearance. I was beginning to think she'd be stuck that way, in a seated position, forever when she suddenly started walking around normally. It was made a little stranger by the fact that she was twisted to the side with her arms dangling.

    I took no pictures because, really, the funniest part of it was the way she moved :D , not the fact that she was seated on thin air.
  10. MangoOrange

    MangoOrange New Member

    Lynet! I got a picture of that exact same thing happening! Elder lady, playing chess, then went to the bathroom! When she was in the bathroom, she held the newspaper down near her feet, while looking off to her side.

    It was so funny. After she got out of the bathroom she went over and kissed her husband like that. It appeared that he was kissing the air over her head...

    I was about to shoot some video when she suddenly stood up properly.

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  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    That's exactly how mine looked Mango. She moved in spurts and her hands dangled to one side. It was particulary funny to watch her go up and down the stairs that way.

    Seems to be a little chess playing bug. Rare, I guess, since it hasn't happened to me before.
  12. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh my that's funny. That's the 'being cheated at chess' pose, isn't it? I don't see that very often cos I tend to use chess as a way of leaving them to go about an action without supervision.

    There's one action that I'd dearly love to capture on video. I call it the curtsy. It occurs occasionally when a sim rises from table and they turn to get the plate to clean up and do a little bob. It always makes me smile when I see it. I have no real idea what causes it as it appears to be completely random ....
  13. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Yes, I had the "Chess Injury" happen to one of my young newlyweds...She scuttled about for a day or two until apparently healing.

    Another very funny blooper I had was right after I'd installed University. I went in to play a family that I hadn't visited since the install, and there they all were, standing at attention next to their beds - All, that is, except the baby.

    No, the baby was flying around the outside of the house in a circle - much like a plane in a holding pattern! Too bad I can't upload video - I got some great shots of the infant flying around and around the second story! He eventually came in for a landing next to his crib, and doesn't seem to have suffered any ill affects from his "affliction."
  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    We had a flying teddy bear once. And several toddlers who passed out on the floor with their head through the wall. Very disconcerting.

    And sims in a fight whose heads temporarily disappear into the walls, or the furniture. Looks painful, LOL.

    I had a kind of cute glitch one time. A boy and a girl in college both sitting on the floor, with their knees in each other's space, like they did it on purpose. I wish sims could do that all the time. They looked cozy.

    I had the "chess crab walk" too. It happened to a dormie so I didn't really care if she stayed that way or not (she didn't). It made me laugh.
  15. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    Well my guys twin sister graduated last night and the exact same thing happened to her. No one else in that dorm has had this problem so it's got to be something with them. The thing is there is absolutely no custom stuff on either one, straight Maxis stuff. Sometimes the bloopers can be more fun then the game unless it's something serious and it's happening to you. LOL

  16. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    Flying teddy bear?

    call the exorcist!

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