OFB Questions

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jakethedane, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    OFB Questions

    Hi all. Good to be back, havent been here for a loong time.

    I purchased OFB and got right into setting up small businessesesssesss for all my sims. But there are some minor things that bug me.
    1: In Bluewater you can be a realestate agent. So I bought the lot and... nothing! Sims just came to the lot after I opened and wandered around. How do I sell houses?
    2: Later I tried to open a cardealership. I opened up a large building with room for 6 car displays but when the time came to actually put the cars on the displays, I couldnt click on cars in Buy mode. Whats the story.
    3: I had another sim trying to open a small cafe. He had bought the Servo robot and it just produced mountains of cakes, and pies. But why cant thay do at home what they can do at the cafe? I.e make bundle of cakes and pies, put them in the backpack, go to the store and put them on display. Instead I have to go to the store, make all the food there(wasting a whole day), go back to house to eat, sleep, etc., then go to store next day and MAYBE be able to sell for 1000 simoleons.
    Any thoughts would be appreciated
  2. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    1: If you want to sell other lots, you actually cannot sell houses, but you can sell deeds to other community lots. In otherwords, you have to buy a bunch of lots. You can then take the deeds out of your backpack, put them on display and sell those for profit.

    2. Make sure you're clicking on the wholesale button up where it lets you see all your business perks and information. You can then buy cars to put on the displays.

    3. When at home, choose "make many..." and you should be able to make those same dishes at home to bring to work.

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