Troubleshooting Opinion on Video Card

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by bangin knee song, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. bangin knee song

    bangin knee song New Member

    Opinion on Video Card

    I was just wondering if I could get some input on this since I don't know much about video cards, and you guys seem to be pretty knowledgable :)

    Here are my current specs:

    Intel Pentium 4 2.53ghz processor
    512mb ram memory
    80gb hard drive with about 22gb left
    64mb Integrated Intel Extreme Graphics 82845G card
    DirectX 9.0
    Windows XP

    I've been able to play games with lower system requirements in the past alright, including Sim City 4 (with a little choppyness now and then), and Body Shop seems to work fine. But I have had my computer "crash" a couple of times due to what seemed to be the video card. I was wondering how The Sims 2 would play on my computer? I'm guessing from what I've heard that it would be pretty choppy due to my Intel card?

    If I need to upgrade my video card, would this one work okay: And if not, is there anything else in that price range (about $40-$60) from that site that would be better? I really can't spend a whole lot of money on this right now, so I'm really just looking for something that will run TS2 well and make the game enjoyable. I don't play a whole lot of other high end graphic games, so I don't think I'd need something top of the line or anything right now (I might just upgrade to something higher later on when I can afford it)...

    Well, I'll shut up now, I probably just sound dumb. But anyway, any help would be appreciated... thanks :p
  2. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Your computer will run TS2 alright but if you could I would buy this video card: $90

    This is because you may or may not have an AGP slot, which is what your video card that you picked needs.
  3. bangin knee song

    bangin knee song New Member

    So you think TS2 would run okay and without choppyness even with my current video card? I don't know, I've just heard so many different things about video cards that I'm really confused, and I thought I had a really crappy card :confused:

    I'm probably going to open up my computer later today to see if i have an AGP slot. If I do, do you think the other link I posted to the 9200se would be okay? Or should I just not even upgrade and wait until I actually get the game to test it? But if it's going to have really bad gameplay, I figure I might as well just order a new video card now so I can have it when I get the game.
  4. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    TS2 would need some graphics settings on low because of your video card.
    If you have a AGP yes get the one you posted, that should run it with most settings on high. :) If you don't buy the one I posted.
  5. astaregod

    astaregod New Member

    I've done deals with newegg before and they ship pretty fast, so whenever you get the sims 2, test it out with your current (integrated) video card and if you don't like the performance given the graphics settings you have chosen, go ahead and purchase either the PCI or AGP (make sure you have an empty PCI or AGP slot) card and install it. You'll only need the new card if you want more graphics power than your current one is giving you. And if you need a new one, order it and it will come in about 2 or 3 days (standard, free shipping)

    hope this helps
  6. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I like doing my business over at Top Micro -->

    They seem to treat me better.
  7. bangin knee song

    bangin knee song New Member

    Thanks for the help guys :)

    Will there be a huge difference in the fact that the 9200se video card only supports DirectX 8.1, instead of 9.0?
  8. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    Just to let you know...
    Nvidia GeForce 4 cards have T&L and have an integrated GPU.
  9. petallotus

    petallotus New Member

    Video again

    if i am getting the Radeon 9200 video card should i get the 128mb or 256mb. I am not sure what the difference is exactly. I know that 256 is more memory than 128 but what affect does it have on gameplay. I have a pavilion 514 with 2.2 mhz processor and 375mb of memory.

  10. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    256mbs!!! :D

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