Other games while waiting for sims2, or just fun games.

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by altec_tech, Jan 29, 2004.

  1. altec_tech

    altec_tech New Member

    Other games while waiting for sims2, or just fun games.

    Ok... was just wondering what other VIDEOGAMES does everyone play.... not just PC, but all...

    Myself, I am playing SC4, and just got Rush Hour yesterday since my city is growing finally (and I have over 4 million dollars with over 60,000 people!) I also am playing SOCOM II: US NAVY SEALS for the PS2. I have an online adaptor and a headset for the game so it is VERY fun to play. I have my own clan in the game and my clan is pretty good, along with my player rank.

    I also check out homestarrunner.com everyonce in awhile... If you haven't been there yet.... GO THERE!!! It is the funniest site in the world. For the funny stuff... go to the Strong Bad E-Mails and watch those or anything with HOMSAR in it(not homestar) He says weird things like.... "I was raise by a CUP... of COFfee..." with a really high voice with a retarded accent and 40's tone to it as well.

    And finally.... there is this one cartoon that is the funniest cartoon in the world. Everyone I know has seen it, it is the talk of everyone!!! If you haven't seen it you SHOULD!!! WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE IN THIS CARTOON, PLEASE DO NOT VIEW IT IF YOU FIND IT OFFENSIVE OR SMALL CHILDREN AROUND YOU!! IF YOU CHOOSE TO WATCH IT TO LAUGH THAT IS YOUR DECISION, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE!!! hehe...

    The cartoon is about 2 minutes long and depicts the many, MANY different ways the world can end due to nukes, o-zone, meterors, etc... It is very funny but just lower your speakers slightly.

    Here it is... Sorry I drone on and on about it. End of world! .Click on End of world! To view it.

    So those are some thing I like to do.... oh yeah... there's also funny videos from HALO at redvsblue.com Go into video archive and blood gulch chronicles and theres three episodes from second season... funny stuff.

    So those are, finally, all the things I do while waiting for The Sims 2.

    Please speak your mind about what you do while you wait for it.

    Note to Mods. If you wish to take off that site I posted please feel free to take it off I do not mind I am just wondering if it is still wrong to post it if I have a warning on it. Sorry in advance if it is wrong to do on these forums. Thanks!
  2. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    well, the main ones ive been playing lately are the following and not in any particular order:

    Midtown Madness 2 (multiplayer @ zone.msn.com)
    Gunbound (www.gunbound.net)
    Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 for Dreamcast
    Super Mario Allstars on DreamSNES SNES emulator for Dreamcast
    18 Wheeler for Dreamcast
    Halo for PC (havent played it alot, but it is a very fun multiplayer game. something to kill time)
  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    First, thanks for the warning about the link you posted altec_tech, I'm eating right now so I think I'll pass!! :p

    Some things I'm doing or playing to keep busy till sims 2 comes out:

    I'm cleaning the house... for some reason, the sims inspires me to clean up my real life house and want to rearrange furniture and decorate.

    I'm reading books. :D Really funny books like the Xanth novels by Piers Anthony, and the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. I'm also trying to teach myself Spanish so I'm trying to read Clan of the Cave Bear in Spanish.

    I'm playing on computer:
    Space Colony (a little like sims in Space!)
    Journey to the Center of the Earth (got it for my birthday, never heard of it before but pretty graphics and I got to pet a dinosaur. :) )
    Makin Magic (because I've GOTTA have my sims fix!)
    Sim City 4
    Dungeon Siege (except I haven't gotten very far! :p )

    Console games:
    Animal Crossing! (collect and arrange furniture... hmmm just a little simmish! ;) )
    Final Fantasy 9
    Final Fantasy 1 (just finished it but I want to re-play it!)
    Final Fantasy 2 (I'm having trouble getting my character HP up.. sigh.)
    NBA Street Vol. 2 (I'm learning to play with my hubby :D )
    And borrowed games: Zelda Windwaker and Tony Hawk's Proskater 4 (which my friends accidentally left in their Windwaker case, so I'm trying it out too!)

    Should keep me busy... right?
  4. altec_tech

    altec_tech New Member

    I highly reccomend seeing the links i posted... but they say the f word about 6 times and s word about 7 times but thats as bad as it gets, there are no grotesque images nor bizzare / violent images ( except for a tiny bit but it's really nothing )

    Oh yeah.... I'm doing good on simcity 4 with RH. I am using the region of San Francisco and building accordingly to it.... I built replica of the Golden Gate Bridge by using the elevated highway and going on the LARGEST size map size in the region which has two tiny land masses with a huge gap in between them filled with water. So I adjusted the terrain a little bit and the bridge costs over 250,000!!!! WOWZER!!!! In sim time, the bridge took 6 months to build.... (that's a lot! it was on normal time not any fast speeds) so that was about 5 minutes.

    A game I also like to play, but the website that is hosting it can't seem to run it for some reason, is Madness Interactive.
    It's just a big bloody shoot em up game but it is very creative because you control the arm and gun and everything about the body that moves... it is very cool. There are also three movies on it too before that game came out called the Madness Series... this stuff is on a site called flashplayer.com along with many other games and movies.

    Some other fun games / movie sites (and yes they are actually fun) are ebaumsworld.com addictinggames.com shockwave.com redvsblue.com and for downloading every possible demo of a game (sorry no sims 2) you can look at fileplanet.com (you can just make a normal account and not pay but you have to wait in line that is like 45 minutes then download whatver you are downloading)

    And(I almost forgot) I been going to ILLINI Basketball games.

    If you don't know what I am talking about... maybe you should find out. It is college basketball and ILLINI is The University of Illinois college. Very fun. I was there today, just got home, and they beat Michigan by about 11.

    REDXIII New Member

    I playing FF6,FF7,FF8,FF9,FF10,FF11,FF10-2

    as you see i'm obsecested with FF!

  6. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    I am playing or going to play on console: FF1 FF2 FF5 FF6 FF7 FF8 FF9 FF10 (hopefully all those i may skip some) And on computer: Makin' Magic Space Colony WC3FT D2LoD SCBW
    oh and red, you noticed theres some ff thread we like to talk in?
  7. GameMasterEvert_B

    GameMasterEvert_B New Member

    My Games

    I play alot of games :p

    GTA III, GTA Vice City, True Crime: Streets Of LA, Battlefield1942 + DesertCombat mod, Diablo 2(online), Midnight Club II, SSX 3, Tony Hawk 3+4, NFS Underground, Call Of Duty, Duke Nukem 3D, Duke Nukem Manhattan Project, FIFA 2003, Beyond Good & Evil and many more...:bunny:
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Loved the cartoon ...

    ... meanwhile I mainly play SC4 with RH ... plus I recently bought Makin' Magic. Don't have a console ... don't have enought time for what I do do already ... oh no! I didn't just say doo-doo did I? :confused: :eek: :nervous:

    Where was I? Oh yeah, I still have several games that I haven't installed on my new pc ... but everytime I look thru the pile of jewel cases I think ... "oh, what's the point? It'll take at least 10 minutes to install that!" Which is a good indication of how lazy I can be sometimes ...
  9. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    hey. just a quick plug. anyone who is into racing and driving games like me. those who are interested in Project Gotham Racing 1/2, but cant afford an xbox, try out my suggestion. get a Dreamcast (average about $15 right now) and pick up a copy of Metropolis Street Racing. its literally the same as PGR. if i didnt know any better, id say that M$ took MSR, changed the name and put it on the xbox. i just picked up MSR yesterday cuz ive been told that it is still playable online with the dreamcast and that it is like PGR. and i must say it is AWESOME!
  10. Mugke

    Mugke New Member

    Whatz playing while waiting on sims 2

    Well the last couple of days, I have been trying to get my Pop star academy game to work! and ...ofcourse, nothing helped...so I Change it to the Playstation 2 version...and what a bomb! It was so disappointing. I completed it in no time. The only thing to do, is to win the competion, and thats it! Oh yeah, and then there's a multiplayer function. In the version for PC, there are so many more feauteres. Like building your own home, and make anfd veiw your own concert. You can design you pcharacter, choose hairstyle, skin color, age, hight and weigth and choose a name. It's looking a lot like the sims... Sooo man I wanna have the pc version again, and this time...make it work!

    Until then... Im just playing makin' magic....

    And to all of you, there is a fablous, it's the best download i ever found for my sims...a pretty cool frigde, with diffrent kinds of food to download at: http://www.c-and-c-enterprises.com/
    Choose regula simmie's from the downloads icon... You have to download ALL the found, wich there is a link to shown with the frigde. Hope you enjoy this asmuch as I do ;)

    REDXIII New Member

    Game master u play alote of games i play. I play GTA III, GTA Vice City, True Crime: Streets Of LA, Battlefield1942 + DesertCombat mod,Call Of Duty

    and i try to stay away from most of those snes ff games.
  12. MarsBarr

    MarsBarr New Member

    I'm keeping myself busy with Soul Calibur II for Gamecube, as well as Runescape.
    That is a very cool game, But may not be suitable for all ages. There is killing involved, but the game is all about gaining skill points in all aspects of your player. There is a highscore table online for the best players. Its a free game, unless you'd like to pay 5$month american for extra features, larger playing area, and things like that.
  13. attitudeangel

    attitudeangel New Member

    I play Makin Magic And Splinter Cell ohh can someoe tell me where i ca watch a video on sims 2
  14. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    dividing my time between hoyle puzzle games, myst exile, freelancer, simgolf. and here. Dying for sims2.
  15. altec_tech

    altec_tech New Member

    OK!!! Now I am playing DDR!!!! WOOT best game ever? Have any of you heard of it or played it? If not, you need to get into it... NOW!!! It is a game that you use your feet instead of your hands and have to apply special arrows on the screen to the arrows on the dance pad. There are four arrows pointing in each of the geographic directions. (Left, right, forward, back, or N, E, S, W)

    Well, anyhow, I forgot about it for a bit and just got back into it, and seem to have kept my skill, and have gained more since I was working out a bit and I can last longer on some of the harder songs. THIS GAME MAKES YOUR WORK!!! I mean WOW! The cool part is that you want to keep going, you just don't quit because #1, if you are at the arcade, you paid money to play it and if you don't do the steps and miss multiple ones, you fail it, and lose your turn, lose your money, and lose your time. You have to fight to stay on by going against the steps. Many people have lost much weight playing this game. A woman (I forgot her name though) lost 110 lbs. playing just DDR alone.

    I am awesome at DDR right now, I can do pretty much every song except the 10 footer ones. Songs have difficulty ratings in these ways... 1) you chose what general difficulty you want... i.e. beginner, light, standard, or heavy...on older versions it's beginner, standard, tricky, maniac. 2) Feet. After you select your general difficulty (which can be changed at any point in the game except during a song) there is feet. Like for instance, a song can be 1 foot difficulty on beginner, 3 feet on light, 5 feet on standard, and 9 feet on heavy.

    Songs have a maximum feet difficulty of 9, except some songs exceed that limit (super hard) to 10. Songs also have a speed called beats per minute or BPM.

    So that's basically what DDR is, oh and DDR stands for Dance Dance Revolution.

    OOPS!!! One more thing... you can download a FREE, LEGAL version of DDR onto your computer and get every single song from any mix of DDR (there are 8 mixes plus many non-arcade mixes) the website to get this program (which is called stepmania instead of DDR but is the exact replica of DDR just a different name) is stepmania.com

    Then after you have downloaded stepmania ( I suggest downoading the latest version which, I believe, is 1.39 alpha) you will notice you have no songs to play. So what do you do now? Visit DDRUK.com to download any songs you want. The only thing is that you don't get to hear them or see the difficulty before you download them, but it doesn't matter, the more the better. But you have to have an account name on there to start downloading stuff. Just go to members only sub-category, then go to downloads. Then go to, I believe, sim files, then go on original songs. Then choose any mix you want and download a song... I highly reccomend downloading a song within the first 8 mixes.... UNLESS you like the song called Heaven with DJ Sammy and Yakou (sp?) or you like the song Cotton-eyed-joe by REDNEX, which is kinda like a rock country song. Those songs are in one of the mixes near the bottom of the mixes page.

    So after you select a song and hit download, you will have to choose a place to save it at... go to your stepmania folder, and then go to the songs folder and save it in there. That should make it fine, but if you want to make it so that it automaticall plays the song's preview when you go over it and you don't have to click the song twice in the menu of stepmania, just ask, but it's a TINY bit complicated but easy once you know it.

    After the song is saved, extract all files then delete the zipped file.

    Now you have a song, just repeat this process over and over for all your songs...

    I am very sorry for taking up much room and much time... but I really love DDR. I go to my arcade in the mall a lot and play DDR. It is very kid friendly (except there IS a song on one of the mixes called little bit... well you know what I am gonna say.)

    OH... and last thing. You can use two pads at the same time if you have two pads or you go to the arcade, in doubles mode. The song will have steps that split up both the pads so you can fairly use both pads at pretty much the same time... it is very fun to watch someone do it.

    OK tell me if you know about ddr or like it or have played it...etc... or even stepmania...

    OMG ONE MORE THING... there is a very fast way to play a similar version of this game at flashflashrevolution.com just make an account and start playing... though I suggest getting stepmania as there is more of a reward.
  16. MisterV

    MisterV New Member

    I play most BFVietnam now

    id recommend STALKER: Oblivion Lost, too

    what else?

    oh u can always have fun with Woirms 3D (if u havent anything better:D )
  17. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Well I have new games to play now, since I saved up and got Harvest Moon Wonderful Life for the Gamecube when it came out. It's the first time I reserved a game. :p Imagine that!! I also got Final Fantasy 7 and 8 used, and I TRIED to play a couple of games borrowed from friends, but I couldn't play Luigi's Mansion and Resident Evil because I had trouble working the controls and getting my character to do what I intended for them to do! :eek: I'm playing Gauntlet Dark Legacy on Gamecube but it's one of the borrowed games and I can't find it in the stores. I just bought Gauntlet Legends for Playstation since I liked the Dark Legacy one so much, I hope I like it, but I got it used too so it wasn't too expensive. My hubby bought Simpsons Hit and Run for X-box but I haven't gotten to try it yet. :) All this SHOULD keep me busy... right? :D
  18. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    Hit & run is a very funny game but can be beaten really fast,

    Luigi's Mansion is a very good game.. you need to play it like 9 times to beat it, gets harder and harder every time.

    Animal Crossing is like The Sims thats why I like it

    I also have The Sims Bustin' Out... can get very hard at times... expecially when you can get eaten by a mutant plant.
  19. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    :eek: You can get EATEN by a mutant plant?! I MISSED this when I read about the game coming out!! Hahahahaaaaaa! ...I might have to rent that now and see if I need to buy it... I don't have any of the sims console games yet....
  20. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    Im sort of at a loss of what to play. My computer can't run any new games. I've been so bored, I've reverted back to playing warcraft 2. Sad, I know. But I loves the FF games. Got all of thme for playstation and PS2. Fun stuff.

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