Park Homes Realty

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Mirelly, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Park Homes Realty

    Anyone who likes to play without the money cheats knows how tough it is to build and furnish a sim home for more than one or two with only $20,000 to start with.

    Trailers spring to mind but these days we professional realtors like to call them Park Homes. :D

    Anyway here is my first offering. You can fit a family of four in here with no problem at all as long as two of them don't mind sharing a bed.

    It is fully furnished (and not with complete recycled barf-colored Pingulcher junk either ... well, not too much. :p ) There is a bath.shower combo, a deck and full entertainment laid on. And all for ... wait for it ... $17,799.

    Honestly you're takin' the food right outa my babies mouths. My mother always said I was too generous for the real estate business!

    Link To This Lot On The Sims 2 Exchange

    Attached Files:

  2. Michael

    Michael New Member

    Nice work!

    But how can a trailer park house have a brick foundation? That seems a bit odd. Perhaps the 'lattice' faced foundation might be more appropriate?

    As it stands, those houses look more like WW2 (cookie-cutter) houses than trailer park houses (or caravans as they are called in the UK).

    Anyway, as I said, great work to get these houses in under the 20k mark!
  3. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    Some trailers or "manufactured homes" DO have stone foundations... I know, because I am living in one now. =)

    Another popular covering for the foundation for trailers is the "siding". You could try that as well.

    For a request on the main BBS someone was asking for a simple 3bed 2bath house... I tried to replicate the house I'm in now and only furnished it with the cheapest bare necessities and it was STILL 45k...

    So, I give props to anyone who can do a house for under 20k, now THAT is talent!

    I seem to enjoy building them in the 300k price range. LOL
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL. I've lived in one too ... and we had it bricked up underneath. Most of the neighbours did too. Tho' timber is also popular.

    I doubt a 3bed/2bath house is feasable. The cheap shower isn't worth considering in a multioccupancy house. I could proabbly do it but it wouldn't be livable. I raised a family in that one above. It's been extended three or four times and now has 1.5 bathrooms and separate living room. They badly need more space cos Mum and Dad have had 2 more kids since they moved in so that's 2 teens, a toddler and a baby ... I can feel one of my heads coming on ... :p

    Here's the Wilson Family Album who live there. It is an unfinished yarn but I have caught one sim doing something truly gross ... I say no more (though you don't need to be 18 to look at it :p) ... ;)
  5. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    Ooh, sounds like you need my latest upload!

    LOL... That one has plenty of room, and more! But I suppose you play by the rules (so UNLIKE me) and your Sims can barely afford the bills let alone a new house.

    How about having them win the lottery? You only need about 321K to move in! Haha.
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL I do big ones too ... just put one up actually. Like your new mansion though.

    Did anyone ever look at my Japanese themed house, BTW? It's still my favorite.
  7. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    I like your latest one! Looks like it'd go great in Veronaville!

    I don't see the Japanese one, what is the name of it? I did a "Nitta Okiyo" for TS1 based off of "Memoirs of a Geisha". It turned out pretty good, I thought. If we get enough Asian culture objects in an expansion pack I might try to recreate it in TS2.

    (Have we gone terribly off topic yet?)
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Why thank you and yes we are off topic but who cares? LOL

    The Japanese one was um ... Malpass which was just the name of the lot it started on ... lol

    Malpass - A Japanesque House with 4 BR and a large water garden and ... urrr a handy games cellar.
  9. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    Ahh, I see now! =)

    I really like what you did with the pond and water... Ahh, inspiration hits! No... must not go back into game... Must resist...

    It's been taking me insane amounts of time to make houses. The last one I did was done over two days, probably 9 hours each day... ugh.
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms for under 20,000

    If you want to build up a family from scratch without Kaching or Motherlode you'll be needing somewhere to live that doesn't bust the family budget. At last we have a perfect SimPark Home that may be extended as your family and your finances grow ... but to begin with you have every conceivable comfort if not exactly luxury ... all for only $18,512!

    View it and/or download it here: Lot Exchange Link
    Take a virtual tour here: Family Album Link (this is a tour of an identical house - different colors!)
  11. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Yay! I need more houses with good layouts that my starter sims can move into... I'm trying SO hard not to use the money cheat! :p I'll just make them work like mad to be able to afford to move. I had to move my first family when I had 2 teens, one toddler, and baby on the way, all crammed into the house next door to the Broke family! :eek:
  12. TooShort4

    TooShort4 New Member

    mirelly, That is AWESOME! I dont have 50 Bucks to buy the Sims but I am getting it this week. Im Going to build a pretty small 3 Person Bedroom In the Basement :)
  13. PhooshQT

    PhooshQT New Member

    Thankyou Mirelly!!! I have been trying to find starter homes and they are just too rare! What's really great is that they are already partially furnished. Gotta be able to afford a home in the neighborhood first before you can do anything else :)
  14. TooShort4

    TooShort4 New Member

    My game should come soon, but! Im just going to build a small home for me, a wife and and 2 children. Plus a basement :p 1 Story. Suites me :)
  15. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Just added some new stuff.

    The Balmoral :p is my first 'luxury' trailer home. Click here to see it. I have pruned the building costs by suspending the floor. This isn't a cheat, but it keeps down the cost (saves around $240 over conventional foundations) but proper foundations and a cellar can be added when funds permit.

    The house is furnished with the 4 poster bed ... best combination of comfort and woohooability. The shower bath combo is the best. The TV is mid range one and comes with the games machine.

    When I get time I will post a family album showing how I extended this house, adding a pool, 2 extra bedrooms, second bathroom, plus a party deck with hot-tub over a 10 simday period with one sim working up the promo ladder in the business career track and the other mostly on Maternity leave getting $448/day raising 2 kids.

    Use the link in my signature to see all my lots. I also added two community lots. Grace Brothers (a large boutique - the store's name is a Brit joke ;) ... I'm Freeeeeeee! :eek: ) and Wilmart (a large supermarket - that name is for our US BBS-ers :p )
  16. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Those are awsome trailers!!! I'm doing something similar, making my own trailer court, but I keep making them too big. They all turn into "double-wides!" by the time I'm done. :rolleyes:

    I used to live in a trailer back in the day. It was a 12'X70', 1976 model, two BR and two full baths. It was on concrete and then "underpinned" in aluminum. I think it would be perfectly acceptable in using the brick foundation for your park homes, I have been doing the same thing. I really like that you have been able to keep your total costs under $20,000. I can build them under that, but can't furnish them without using the money cheat. Again, they are too big. How do you count off the squares? I tried using each square=1square foot, but it doesn't seem to work out for me.
  17. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    In TS1 I reckoned that a square was 1 square yard (or square meter ... it was never gonna be that accurate :p ) But for many reasons to with cranky TS1 behaviour it might as well have a square foot!

    In TS2 the rough approximation of a square yard works quite well ... most doors are between 30 and 36 inches wide (75 - 90cm) so that works as a pretty good "yard"stick ... ;)

    I hope to be posting my diary of expansion later today (it's 9.16am in sunny Britland). I would do it sooner but I have a diary full of dadratted appointments and one has to be cancelled but I have lost that person's cell-phone number and I'm now quietly going nuts ... :eek:
  18. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Me, I favor the EN-6 class beds. Comfort is somewhat of a secondary consideration, since given the amount of time a Sim will be lying on it, even a modest comfort rating amounts to a full recharge. At $2200 for a starting EN-6 rated bed, it's not cheap, but I think it's definitely worth it: Sleep is the single biggest waste of time in The Sims, just like in real life, and anything which can reduce or even eliminate it is worth its weight in gold.

    If you want to milk the maternity leave thing, note that you get paid even on days where you don't normally work in the first place....and you get full pay. Pretty sweet. This is particularly nice if you push your way up to a decent daily-pay job, and then wait for a string of upcoming "useless days" where you won't be able to receive any promotions to schedule your sprogs.

    It's also worth noting that the optimal time to attempt to spawn a broodling is sometime between 1400 and 1800. I believe this greatly improves the odds of you finally popping within that same interval in 3 days, since it's not synchronized to a specific time of day. However, aging *IS* synchronized to a specific time of day, so if you pop RIGHT before the aging tick at 1800, your baby will shave a great deal of time off his growth cycle.

    Heh, I have an S-Mart that serves that large supermarket function. All it needs now is a plague of extra-dimensional undead. Shop smart! Shop S-Mart!
  19. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    As promised ... a how to guide to 'growing' my last creation from a one bedroom, one bathroom place to three bedrooms, two bathrooms.
  20. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Not bad. I personally would have upgraded the stove, too. The difference between the El Cheapo Stove and the best stove is only $500, but the good stove has 10 times the hunger rating. Since eating is second only to sleep as one of the least productive activities in The Sims (and real life!), you want to cut down on as much eating as possible: The good stove generally takes you down to 1 meal a day, particularly in conjunction with mooching free office food.

    Also, the location of the one and only desk in the house bears note: The placement of a desk acts as a magnet for children returning from school bearing homework. This means the moment children disembark from the bus, they'll hike across the kitchen after they spend about 2 hours cheering obnoxiously, to deposit their homework on, and around, that desk. I would have had the desk placed in the large central room, as it'll be easier for the parents to help kids with their homework.

    Your bathroom may also be a little (okay, a LOT) larger than is necessary. An oversized bathroom, especially one which is positioned as a major thoroughfare in your house, can be a source of traffic problems. If that bathroom is in use, anyone travelling between the two kids rooms will be rerouted the long way around. Since that entire section appears to be unoccupied by any bathroom fixtures, you may simply want to turn it into a hallway. A compact bathroom also helps reduce the odds of multiple people piling into the room in the time it takes for somebody to reach the toilet, causing an argument. It also occurs to me that the bookshelf may be a little far from the couch, and the dining table is probably too far from the kitchen, which will force the food server to walk all the way there, serve the food, return the tray, and then get his own plate. The extra distance is probably costing you at least a goodly 3 minutes every time. You may also wish to relocate the coffee machine from the left(right on screen), to the right, of the stove. Right now, as depicted in the screenshot, the would-be chef must retrieve raw material from the fridge, and, if needing a countertop to prepare, must then hike across the kitchen to use the empty countertop on the right of the stove, passing the stove in the process: You can streamline the cooking process by switching the coffee machine to the opposite side, causing the cook to use that countertop instead, which is in a line from the fridge to the stove. I estimate that'll save you about 2 Sim minutes every time. Making the recommended adjustments will therefore save you approximately 5 Sim minutes on every "serve meal". As a side benefit, the object under the currently empty right counter, which appears to be the trash compactor, judging from its rear profile, will be located under the more infrequently used coffee machine, so that garbage disposal will not be as frequently blocked by people attempting to make food. I cannot quite tell where the dishwasher is located, or if there is one. Presumably, it is located under the counter to the right of the sink.

    Other than these minor points, your home appears to be fairly well-made.

    I see you have the big expensive telescope. Going for an abduction?

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