Troubleshooting PCI Video Card

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by SkyeAngel26, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. SkyeAngel26

    SkyeAngel26 New Member

    PCI Video Card

    I just brought the Sims 2. And it works on my Intel Extreme Graphics card (barely), So i just brought a Roswell | GEFORCE4 MX4000 128M. I was wondering do u think it will run well enough on this. :confused:

    Thanks :rolleyes:
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    It never know until you try.
  3. kristygal

    kristygal New Member

  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    that looks promising, however I strongly suggest might as well committing to a better card since this way you will have a better card that should help support newer and better games in the future.

    I strongly recommend the GeForce FX5700 and GeForce 6600
  5. kristygal

    kristygal New Member

    I bought this one first, just to see if that solves the problem. I'll buy a better one later.
  6. SkyeAngel26

    SkyeAngel26 New Member

    The card works great. Now my little Simmies just run around my screen. :rolleyes:

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