
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jakethedane, Oct 11, 2004.

  1. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world


    Hi everyone.
    I been playing for 3 weeks now, and love the game. More wallpapers, though, but still; love it! I have one problem though: I had a Sim who got a job as a caddie, then worked her way as a sales assistant and got promoted to party DJ, working from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. I think it was. But no matter how much I tried, I couldnt get her promoted beyong that. I read on some other thread that you should not max out the skills of a Sim, that way they would never get promoted. Not true BTW, I get teens who have maxed out their creative skills and they get the coolest jobs.
    But the other Sim, the DJ, did not maxed her skills, she was well rested, not hungry or anythingher skills were about 1 or 2 more than needed, but still no promotion. Can anyone help me! I gave her a new job, now shes a getaway driver. *LOL* It pays a lot more and well, its just more fun!
  2. Deva

    Deva New Member

    If the sim is a teenager, then they can only get promoted 3 or 4 times or so. The next step for them is to become adults, and they'll get promoted automatically the day they grow into adults. But if that party-deejay sim is not a teenager, I don't know :eek:
  3. aragorn231

    aragorn231 New Member

    Did you take into account that, besides skills, for some promotions you also need a minimum amount of friends? To get promoted from Party DJ to a higher level, you need at least 5 friends. Number of friends is displayed in the "Skills"-part of the screen, it's the number following the smily icon in blue...
  4. Kane

    Kane New Member

    Also pay attention to the vertical promotion bar above your friends count. If this bar is halfway and staying there (or it is full and staying there), there is some lock on your promotion that isn't to do with performance, skills or friends count.
  5. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Thanka a lot for your answers. I will try some of them out. Shes an adult, not a teenager, she has 7 friends, so maybe the answer is in that vertical bar. Right above the friends bar, you said?
  6. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Assuming you have satisfied the required number of friends, and are not lacking any skills, if that vertical color bar is not full, it means you are sending your Sim to work in a crabby mood. Always go to work in a platinum mood. A close, marginally acceptable substitute is to use the Energizer prior to work. Anything else, and you may as well not bother going.
  7. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Thanks J.M.!

    I genreally send my sims to work well rested, with all their basic needs fulfilled. And the vertical bar, well, its sometimes a bit hard to get the platinum mood, especially if Im playing a family with wealth as a life goal. Usually the bar is just under, but Ill try to make it platinum every time from now on. And yeah, that energizer gizmo is really cool. I had a party after work(10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and was nackered, and hungry, but as the perfect host I attended to my dear guests, instead of eating. So in the morning I had platinum mood because of the party, and worked the nergizer , went to work and got promoted!
  8. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    If you already have platinum, you don't need the energizer: Hitting platinum overrides all noncritical need concerns and maxes out mood in a special way: If you go to work, job performance is instantly maxed, and if you meet prerequisites, you automatically get promoted. An interesting thing to note is that Fortune is actually a good aspiration to have for Lazy sims: Lazy sims like to sleep a lot, and while you're sleeping, the aspiration meter is locked and does not decay. So with lazy sims, once you get the aspiration meter to platinum with a decent buffer zone, you can put them to sleep and they'll be much more likely to stay there. If they don't feel tired, drain their energy with some woohoo. :) Woohoo really wipes out those lazy sims. :)
  9. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Again thank you very much for your help. I experienced this problem with another Sim I created, this one is a smugler and I have tried all the things you say, but cant get that promotion.So here is the stats of the Sim.
    Please tell me if something is wrong.
    Cooking 7
    Mechanical 10(required)
    Charisma 3
    Body 8(required)
    Logic 2
    Creativity 10(required)
    Cleaning 3
    She has 6 friends, only needs 1 to get promotion

    Further more she has a Family Asp, With the following persoanl stats:
    Neatness 5
    Outgoing 3
    Active 5
    Playful 6
    Nice 5
    So please help me. I have now played this Sim for 3 sim weeks and nothing happens, I sent her to work in platinum mood every day, I buy the things she needs, I let her whohoo in public, in the bathtub, whereever she wants to!
  10. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    You said it yourself, you need another friend to get promoted. When you see 6(+1), it means you need one MORE, not that you need ONLY ONE. A Smuggler needs *7* friends to reach Evil Overlord.
  11. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world


    Ah! Thanks J.M! It did the trick. How could Ive been so blind?

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