Troubleshooting Proposal

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Sim2 Rox da World, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. Sim2 Rox da World

    Sim2 Rox da World New Member


    i want my sim to get married to his housemate they are deeply in love.

    the problem is that the male sim lost his wife while on holiday and came back early, i added a new sim to his household and they are in love, she has the get engaged want but i get them engaged,they have 5 kids together with two more on the way. :confused:

    is there some way to resolve this annoying problem?
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Um, this sounds like a serious bug! :eek: The game thinks your sim is still married.

    The only way to fix it (that I can think of) would be to use SimPE

    How did the wife die? Why did the husband come home early?

    What I imagine has occurred is that the game has escaped from its programming (the definition of a bug) and has created an anomaly for which there is no in game fix.

    You could try Pescado's
    (unzip to Downloads and it's a buyable object in the miscellaneous section of the buy catalog. It has a zillion options for breaking stuff that gets broken in the game ... although spouses who have died on holiday but not been unmarried from the living may not be among those options. :( )

    So if you must fix it (you could always just have him live in "sin" with his new partner ... if that isn't too radical an idea for you) then I am afraid that SimPE is your only choice. Note that if you try SimPE you will have to teach yourself, because although if used properly SimPE is not dangerous there are too many ways to screw up for anyone to be willing to talk you through how to edit a sim's relationships. If you are moderately intelligent, and if you take things slowly and carefully, and if you keep back up copies of the files so you can repair mistakes, then SimPE is not dangerous and exploring the contents of the game is a lot of fun. But don't ask for help (here) cos I doubt anyone will step up to bat.

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