How Do I Question about University and some other stuff

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jakethedane, Jan 9, 2006.

  1. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Question about University and some other stuff

    Even though I have had the game since its release, I only just now tried to make my own society. What is with the sneaking off to the campus and coming back with letters to stick to the side of the house, pizza, and more? My sims can be talkng to each other, suddenly they break up and wanders off for 10 minutes and theyre back.
    Anyway I have a question. I used to have another neighborhood, Twin Peaks, but I havent been able to play it since I installed NL. No, thats not it. I did the backup save and all the other hoods work, just not this one. Anyway, I had a couple of artists. In their aspirations(not the lifetime, but the day-today) they always wanted to Create Masterpiece or Sell Book. That was the idea. Now I have tried 7 times(!) to re-create them but I just cant figure it out. What is the best recipe for someone to have these asp? And Im not talking about getting a diploma from Uni first.
  2. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    so you built a custom neighbourhood 'twin peaks' maybe it erased when you installed NL although you did do the back up save.

    How do you get societys i noticed when i joined the girl greek-house the blonde sim came home every night with a pizza sounds fun
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Those are wealth sims.

    As for corrupted neighborhoods. If you have a back up of your pre expansion game files try this:
    1. First make new back-ups of your existing game files in case everything goes bottom up
    2. Fully uninstall the game
    3. Defrag
    4. Install The Sims 2
    5. Install University
    6. Use your original back ups to restore the game to what it was before you installed NL
    7. Play game to verify that broken heighborhood is now working.
    8. Now follow my advice in Before Installing an Expansion Pack (eg University Play each family (including campus lots) to ensure that:
      • Every sim is present on the lot when you save
      • No sim is close to a transition (or death)
      • No visitors are present
      • No service NPC's present
      • No 'service' NPC's expected (taxi, fire, police, pizza, burglar, headmaster, social worker etc. etc. The only way to be sure of this is to save the game with the save button and then let the game run on for a sim hour on fast speed and then exit to neighborhood without saving if nothing untoward occurs.)
    If all these points are attended to then make a new back up copy of the game and install NL. Hopefully the broken neighborhood will now be restored to the Twin Peaks of goodness ;)
  4. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Ok firstly. To create a society, just click on the phone, and when you call the Uni, you can use the option of applying to be a society. I think thats how it works.

    Mirelly, I have lost track of how many times you have saved my a**, this is one more point in the book for you. However, I am reluctant to go through all that you just said, it really sounds dangerous(oh no!). I will try to create the good folks again, this time with a wealth-aspiration. I just assumed that it was the popular asp., because there is actually an icon for creating a masterpiece when you create your sims. Oh well, you learn something new every day.

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