Question about where TS2 places files

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Rhaevyn, Oct 15, 2004.

  1. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    Question about where TS2 places files

    I have an odd configuration on my puter. Since I am still (always) learning things about my computer and strive to one day be able to completely build them myself, I am trying to figure something out in the meantime.

    In the past I had upgraded my daughters' computer from a 10G hard drive (yes, believe it or not) to a 40. I decided I would stick the 10 in my rig for an extra drive. Well, wouldn't you know it, I wasn't aware of the jumper config then and lo and behold, the added 10 became my C drive!! :eek:

    Being a single mother on limited funds, I was not about to go pay someone to redo it for me and as time went on I just basically "lived with it." Now I barely have half a gig or room to play with and that's a whole other story, believe me I have tried to get rid of as much as I can and always install games on D.

    Now, my problem rears it's ugly head. I had no problem installing TS2 on my D drive (my whopping 40 gig) but, as you all know, the other files insist on installing to My Documents on C. This poses a serious problem for me now as that is where I will have to place anything I download, and I'm an avid shopper for content.

    Does anyone know if I could move those EA folders/files to my D drive without botching my entire install? I REALLY don't want to have to take my system in to have the jumpers moved and worry about the OS switch and whatnot. I'm just not ready for a wipe at this point.

    Thanks in advance for any help, scrutiny or general flogging. :p
  2. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Did you want the simple version, or the somewhat more complicated version?

    Simple version: No.

    Complicated version: Yes, but with potentially unforseen and possibly unpleasant long-term consequences for the rest of your computer, by messing with system settings that really should be left alone.
  3. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member


    So basically, NO. hehe

    Guess it's time to suck it up, back up crap on some CDs and do a wipe and start fresh (and have the disks swapped). I really need to have the larger disk as my C. I'm having enough trouble trying to figure out all the nightmares that have ensued on our systems since installing the wondrous XP SP2. I swear if I see another C++ Runtime Library Error or other bizarre IE errors and random sites closing on me I'm going to hurl my system over the balcony.

    And if this SP2 is supposed to be full of all this new wondrous security junk, why is it that I just got rid of 194 spyware programs on my daughters' computer and 140 on mine today, only 4 days after getting this marvelous update? *groan*
  4. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Windows security is an oxymoron. No Windoze box belongs on the Internet without a Linux box as a chaperone. Windoze, like small children, do not belong on the Internet unsupervised.
  5. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    Well, be that as it may, being a novice with limited funds I am stuck being one of the sheeple out here plugging along with MicroS*** products. If they would start making games to run on Linux I'd be the first in line for classes to get certified.Maybe I should have stayed with ME. Seems XP is more trouble than it's worth /shrug
  6. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Linux is free. :)

    Certified? Pssh. What are you, a circus animal, that jumps through people's hoops on command, doing things the way they tell you to?

    I am my own dog! I do as a I please, and to hell with the "proper" way to do things!

    You're kidding me? ME is the biggest sack of crapola Microsoft made. You'd better off sticking with 98 than using ME.
  7. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    Well... I'm not a young "pup" anymore so I wouldn't be agile enough to jump through anything at this point :p

    For me to find the time to sit with volumes of books to teach myself anything is a rarity. I'm a visual learner, a "show me" student. I get frustrated and bored trying to learn things from manuals. Therein was my reference for taking classes. Unfortunately I don't know anyone in this god forsaken dirt ball known as Arizona that would be willing and able to teach me what I want to learn.

    I understand your intolerance of Microsoft and the fact that "most" of us are forced to use their products. However, not everyone grew up taking computers apart and some of us became interested much later in life and have other obligations that prevent us from spending great quantities of time mastering new technology.

    I consider myself moderately adept at all things mechanical and technical, but I am nowhere near the level I want to be. Perhaps when the "chillins" are all gone and I have nothing else to do I will attempt to self teach.

    Even with Linux being free, what would someone with no experience at all do with it, once obtained? I could put it on my computer, but then what, no more Windows compatible games or anything else. No, you say, you install it on a secondary computer. Guess what my answer to that is.

    I appreciate what you're saying, but what may seem logical or easy to you isn't necessarily the answer for others. Some day I will learn all this, and some day I will have multiple computers to run whatever the hell I want on, but until then, I am stuck in the mass population with MS products to run my games and programs on.
  8. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I'm not a volumes of books guy, either. I'm more of a look, see, take apart guy.

    It doesn't take very long for that to happen. Computers have to be replaced fairly regularly cuz they go obsolete and won't run your new game, and they're cheaper than most of the unnecessary things people spend their money on, like food. A month or two on a "you kill it, you grill it" diet is enough to pay for a new computer. People in the US are too fat anyway, a clear sign that they eat too much.
  9. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    You've made me laugh again. Thank you.

    Well, if I could afford to risk taking my computer apart I would. But being as I am mildly (OK EXTREMELY) addicted to having it function, however annoyingly, I am loathe to try and "experiment" with it at this point. Perhaps in the future I will pick up a trasher that I can play with.

    And I completely agree with you about the US dietary state, too true indeed. I would gladly pull a Ghandi if that would get me a new computer!

    EDIT: Unbelievable. As I was posting this, my D drive just took a nose dive. Yep, got the ol "the disk in drive D is not formatted, would you like to format it now?" :mad: :eek: :depressed: :speechless: :angry:

    I'm going to slip quietly into a coma now and try and decide which I need more: to replace my 4 bald tires or get my computer fixed.
  10. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Fears: Hard Drive Failure, -5000 ASP. Enjoy your therapy session.

    You know, a thought occurs to me: Fat Sims really shouldn't be capable of starving to death without first becoming unfat. No fat man ever dies of starvation.
  11. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    Dammit. Came too late... anyway, it's not very useful at this point, but to make the 10GB drive a slave and therefore D, all you needed to do was to pull out the jumper... slave = no jumper.

    And to move TS2 saved stuff to another drive, just right-click "My Documents" and change the target folder location to a folder on the other drive. This will result in everything in "My Documents" being moved there however.

    Anyway, my old 20GB hard drive which happened to have all my documents and MP3's recently died on me due to a head crash, basically ruining the disks, so I couldn't even reformat the thing. Ha. :mad:

    Actually, the reason for that is because no fat man ever runs out of food, because he would need more-than-ample supplies of food to get himself there in the first place, which doesn't happen in places where people die of starvation. So how a fat man dies of starvation will always be a mystery.
  12. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Well, assuming a fat man is supplied with ample food to become fat, and then is placed in a situation where there is no food, he will first have to burn through his fat reserves before actually starving to death. So you'd think a Sim that is hungry would actually first lose weight until reaching "thin", before he should drop dead of starvation.
  13. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    Come to think if it, it's more likely that Sims die of thirst rather than hunger. After all, humans can survive for suprising lengths of time solely on water or slightly more nourishing liquids, yet die within a week without such. I don't know.
  14. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Well, in TS1, Sims could survive a fairly long length of time in food critical: They'd literally hover there with a single nub over the hunger bar for at least a simday or two before finally expiring of starvation. In TS2, the bar appears to decay mostly linearly, and Sims drop dead on the spot the moment it zeros. Even if they had a glass of water.
  15. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    Hum, I didn't know they died immediately... never tried killing a Sim through starvation yet. This places a bit more urgency on making sure my Sims are well fed :eek: Yeah, I guess it's weird how starving Sims look perfectly fine even in the moments directly prior to death. If I were starving however, I'd probably look no different than my normal self, given how depricated I am already :p
  16. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    A solid acceptance of what is necessary to survive, and what merely feels good, but doesn't really help, is a good thing to have. Do: Eat your fellow survivors. Do not: Drink your own urine. While urine certainly contains water, it is also salty and will simply contribute to dehydration. Plus, it tastes like piss.
  17. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    Haha :LOL: Your posts actually make me laugh out loud in front of the computer. I NEVER laugh in front of the computer alone. Accomplishing such a task is no small feat, I assure you. Kudos :D
  18. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Yeah, I get that a lot. It's generally a tossup between people who think I'm a complete and utter insane whackjob(and loathe/fear me), people who think I'm surely making this stuff up(and loathe me anyway), or people who think I'm hilarious (and perhaps STILL think I'm a complete and utter whackjob).

    Let me tell you something: Sanity is overrated. Normal people are boring.

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