Rant: And you say we Sims artists are appreciated???

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by alaskasmith, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. alaskasmith

    alaskasmith New Member

    Rant: And you say we Sims artists are appreciated???

    This is an actual e-mail I got today:

    -----Original Message-----
    From: **********
    Sent: October 25, 2004 1:36 AM
    To: AlaskaSmith
    Subject: Lack of Attention to Male Sims

    I'd like to know why eyeshadow you made is unavailable to male Sims. The game allows them to wear any makeup the women can wear, yet you chose to limit it only to females. I have never liked the preference towards females the Sims community shows, but this to me just seems a blatant slap in the face to those of us who don't want butt-ugly men in our games. It would have been no trouble to let the men wear it too. I have fixed this in my game, but I would have liked it if you hadn't made more trouble for me.


    I couldn't decide between replying in a similarly rude manner (eg. "I would have liked it if you hadn't made more trouble for me by making me read this waste-of-time e-mail") or simply signing the person's e-mail address up for a lot of hentai, extreme political newsletters and spam. I decided to do neither, but I get e-mails like that pretty often. Why would someone even BOTHER getting so upset over stupid things like that? It's a free site, why would someone complain about free things to download?? You don't like it, don't download it, is my philosophy.
    See, e-mails like this, is just one of the many reasons I don't like sharing my stuff anymore.

  2. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I'm sorry you get such garbage...it's why a sense of humor and a delete button is priceless though. I find this one quite funny. It would never occur to me to make eyeshadow for a guy. How blue eyeshadow on a butt-ugly guy would make him better is beyond me! :D
  3. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Well, what you SHOULD do is post it on your website for public viewing, with editorial commentary lampooning it. Maybe with a little animated flash character doing the commentary. It'll be a big hit! In fact, if happens enough, you may be able to just entirely put a hold on skinning and accessorizing, and just mock people who email you.​

    Beats me, too. Then again, I was never an eyeshadow sort of person, for anyone. I always thought it gave the impression that the wearer had been punched in the face once too many times. But hey, some people are into that, and that's fine by me. It gives me an obvious selection criteria, anyway. To each their own, I guess.

    Me, I suggest you publicly lampoon this individual's complete lack of taste. Don't sign him up for any of that stuff above, though. This sounds like the sort of person who would enjoy this. Besides, who the heck emails a total stranger a nasty message, unless they WANT to be subscribed to some spam?
  4. DevilsAdvocate

    DevilsAdvocate New Member

    Yeesh, Alaska, how thoughtless of you to spend your spare time creating something completely free of charge for the Sim community. I hope you've learnt your lesson! j/k ;)

    You should've mailed them back and told them it's not polite to mod other people's work. That would've got them even more mad! :D
  5. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Honestly, I'm not even sure why you read email. On those rare occasions an email shows up, given that I'm not supposed to actually be receiving any email, since nobody is permitted to send me an email without an appointment, I just delete the entire mailbox. I don't even read it. Nyeah. Next time, make an appointment like everyone else.
  6. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    I hope this helps.

    You are appreciated, all of you I download stuff from. I believe those who gripe should shut up and try doing this stuff themselves. Ive done modding / skinning and it ain't easy.

    Please check out this thread:
  7. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    You know what? You are an artist. You have the ability to create something and to express yourself through it. This person is an idiot. I loathe people who are so judgemental, so nit-picky, they think the world revolves around them and they want to stifile your creativity. Don't let those few negative souls make you feel unapreicated.

    I for one am an avid downloader, and I think I've voiced that more on a number of occasions. I have from time to time downloaded things that didn't quite work with my computer, or maybe inconvenienced me a little. I personally don't like downloading makeup and eyecolors that their thumbnail has not been recolored so I know what I'm choosing. Do I send hateful e-mails to the person who makes them? NO! Because at least they took the time to make them and then upload them somewhere so I could download them for free. I am thankful and appreciative. Some like you made the most beautiful shade of emerald green eyecolor, which now many of my Sim-children are spouting because their Dad has it and it seems to be a dominant trait. It adds to my enjoyment of the game. I'm sure that there are others who can say the same thing about something they downloaded.

    So, don't get yourself down over what one jacka__ says in an e-mail. I wouldn't even reply to the so-and-so, and block their address. They obviously have nothing nice to say, so they shouldn't have the ability to say it at all. :p
  8. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I agree that it's pretty silly to get upset over things of this nature. People expect others to conform to their own world view (in this case that makeup needs to be for everyone, when it could just be that you forgot to check the box so that all ages and genders could wear it.)

    Please do not do the sort of thing that M. Pescado is suggesting. Public humiliation may be fun for some people, but it certainly takes the fun out of it for others who do not enjoy that sort of thing, even when it happens to another person.

    Frankly, the best thing to do with this sort of rant is to just ignore it. While they have been annoying, it's not like they've prevented you from doing what you like to do.

    Or you could return a note which is incredibly polite in response to their rude one. If you want to throw someone off, that's a much better way to do it. (And a much more difficult thing to do than going negative or sarcastic. After all, the email shows that it's much easier to be negative than positive.)

    But, Alaskasmith, hang in there. Obviously (from the post I saw earlier today) you are appreciated. It's just that for every 10 negative posts, you'll rarely even get one positive one (although probably more than 10 are enjoying what you are doing with your work.) It's just an unfortunately part of human psychology that people find it much easier to express negativity than to say things of a more positive nature
  9. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Not at all. It's far easier to say something positive than it is to say something negative. To make a positive comment, all I have to do is nod enthusiastically and say how great you are how, how great your work is, you are the most awesome person ever, blah, blah, blah. It requires no thought. To make a negative comment, on the other hand, I must actually look over the work in question, and find fault with it. While it's true that people are certainly more WILLING to express a negative opinion, it is by no means EASIER.

    Take, for instance, the email above: The writer has a legitimate complaint, that the makeup in question COULD have been enabled for everyone. She hasn't chosen to express this in the most eloquent manner, and has picked an incredibly pointless and trivial issue, but it is nonetheless a legitimate issue. Sadly, she comes across as an idiot in the process, but that just goes to show it ain't easy being negative. It requires practice.

    The writer COULD have mailed you a drooling rave review, and while I'm certain this would have made you feel better, it wouldn't help you improve your abilities, as it doesn't tell you anything you don't already know. After all, don't you already KNOW you're awesome and great? Having somebody reaffirm this to you is cool, but tells you nothing you didn't already know.

    If you feel the need to respond to the emailer above, you could always quote the entirety of the message, and then append something at the bottom to the effect of, "I'm glad you approve.".

    "Tragedy is when I stub my toe. Comedy is when you fall down a manhole and die."
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I agree that ms Megan Seely needs to get some help with getting a life. But further to the above suggestions I feel that the best possible response would have been to reply thus:
    Dear Ms Seely,
    I am sorry for the inconvenience. If you send me your address I will send you a check to compensate you for your wasted time.​
    In the unlikely event that the camplainant responds with an address just send her a piece of paper with the word 'check' written on it. Even I would would consider that a stamp worth paying for! ;)
  11. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Ah, yes, mockery is always fun.
  12. alaskasmith

    alaskasmith New Member

    Megan Seely does not need to get a life.
    That's my name.
    I only censored out the FROM section of the e-mail header. ;)

    Wait, maybe I DO need to get a life... I'm posting on here when I should be looking for a job...
  13. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL I see that I need to get a new pair of eyeglasses. Sorry Megan. Careless of me. I was tempted to do what Josh has now done but only didn't because I was laboring under the idea that the email address was that of an idiot. Sorry. :eek:

    Still ... my idea was sound ... maybe ;)
  14. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Time to use that "edit" button :p
  15. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL Josh, but no. Typos I put right. All else can be apologised for. I'm old enough to be able live with my mistakes. I'd be dead already if I wasn't. :)
  16. Witchygirrl

    Witchygirrl New Member

    The only way this person would have had ANY right to complain, is if she paid for an eyeshadow that was described as male! Nobody dragged her kicking and screaming to one of my favorite sites , that is also FREE, and made her stupid A** download. I'm so sick of people like this. Does anyone have common sense anymore? I was so happy when you opened the rock shoppe, and I thought to myself "finally some cool sims 2 stuff,please dont let some stupid a** steal something " Even if you made the eyeshadow for redheaded teenagers only, I would like it, and use it on my redheaded teenager. LOL BTW , I would make one just for redheaded teenagers, and see how the psycho likes that. LOL!! I realize I sound a little psycho myself, but at the rate things are going, there isn't going to be anyone left that can make good stuff and still wants to. That sucks for everyone, even miss male eyshadow,but shes too dumb to realize it.
  17. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Yeah, Miss "Male Eyeshadow" sounds like somebody who could use some "eyeshadow" as provided by my left fist.

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