Really Wet Babies I was going crazy because there was a huge puddle in the living room and everyone hated it and no matter how much they mopped, it just kept coming back. I took the roofs off and replaced them. Half the house is a greenhouse because I have two plant adults and a toddler, and I was afraid I'd left some kind of hole in the remodeling phase. But no matter what I did, the puddle just kept returning. It made the plant toddler very happy! Splish splash splish. Finally I put the toddler in the crib and the puddle dried up! PLANT BABIES MAKE WATER! (or something)
Have you used the latest patch. green houses were letting water in before latest patch, so plants were getting over watered when it rained.
No, it was definitely the baby! Once the plantbaby was put in his crib, the puddle dried up and didn't come back. Then he became an adult and that's it. No puddles. I would like to have more plantbabies but I guess I'll keep them in the greenhouse now.
Why did you need a crib for the plant-toddler? The only one I had I left out in the garden 24/7 ... mind you it was Summer
I don't know about the crib, except that the nanny started it. (I had another baby at the time and so had nannies over all the time.) It seemed like a way to contain the puddle. But in the future I may go for all plantbabies, all the time, and keep them in a greenhouse with indoor pool. I'm slowly converting my mansion into that now - a winding pool with multiple slides and diving boards. Can plantbabies drown? Is there a danger if they wander around the pool? (For that matter, can regular sim babies drown? I'm such a nervous mother that I always built fences around the pools but now I've got it wide open.)
I doubt Maxis would put in something like that--there'd be far too many complaints. I can imagine a baby falling into the Wishing Well and coming out like the Ring girl. *shudder*
123. I am shocked. You're far too young to have watched The Ring. It gave me nightmares and I am 4 times your age ...
I haven't even watched it. I got scared from the spoof of it in Scary Movie 3. I have am extremely weak constitution compared to others in my grade--no scary movies for me. I'm scared of the dark sometimes, too....
LOL 123. I am relieved for you. I can't remember now, why I decided to watch it when it came on the TV last year. I started out thinking I'd go to bed as soon as I'd seen how silly I was convinced it was going to be. I ended up to scared to move, but too fascinated to stop myself from watching ...
Did you sleep that night? I'm not a big scary movie fan...I'll watch one occasionally, but I'm not the type to say "Hey I wanna go see a scary movie!" , usually one must ask me first. I'd rather watch an action movie or comedy.
I've got an old TV that doesn't always turn off on the first try ... man do I wish I'd never seen the Ring. I'm with you, 123. Scary movies are not my thing.
When i saw The Ring i couldn't sleep for a week and i had to take out of my bedroom the computer screen But i still love scary movies
I also have an overactive imagination. Watching scary movies fuels that imagination and causes it to create other horrors to keep me awake at night.
Oh, I'm right there with you. I hate walking up the basement steps when all the lights are out. I'm always sure something's going to grab me. I finally had to tell the basement monster that I am queen of the house.
I used to embarrassed and ashamed that I was scared of the dark. Now I am not ... embarrassed or ashamed of my scarediness.