refusal to work, disappearing objects

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jiko, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    refusal to work, disappearing objects

    Has anyone had a Sim who decided to quit going to work? Both adults in this family went to work without problems, got promoted and so on. Suddenly neither will go to work no matter what. They simply refuse to go to the car and I can't even get the go-to-work icon to appear in the corner. They've both been fired from two different jobs now.

    At the same time, their Love Tub disappeared, and so did the baby's crib.

    So now they're UTTERLY BROKE AND UNEMPLOYED with a baby! And all they want to do is play video games and make woo hoo.

    This is too much like real life. The baby is just lying on the kitchen floor!
  2. Leticron

    Leticron New Member

    I think you are dealing with two different problems
    The disappearing objects: Is it possible by any chance that you forgot to pay your bills and the Repo man came and took away your tub and crib?
    (happened to me before that there were bills I couldn't find)
    The not going to work problem occured with my sims several times
    Solution: I entered the cheatcode boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true
    shift-clicked the sims, in the pie-menu click on MORE then on FORCE ERROR and then on DELETE
    Now save the game, go to the neighbourhood (or quit)
    Next time you load that lot, the deleted sims are standing at your mailbox and will go to work again
    It works as well with kids who suddenly stop going to school
  3. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    repo man

    No, I'm sure it wasn't the repo man, who is unmistakeable. I've had that happen a few times, too. No, in this case, they were all in the hot tub one evening, went to sleep, and in the morning I noticed it was gone - no burglar, no bill collector, nothing happened. The next day, the baby was lying on the floor, crib gone. Weirdness.

    I hate cheating - my mother drilled it into my head long ago - but if they won't go to work, I may have to kill them or do that.
  4. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    I would exactly call it cheating, in your case. I'd call it "fixing". It is only fixing a glitch in the game using a "cheat code". =)

    The "boolprop" cheat is handy for a lot of stuff like that when the game goes wrong, but can also be very dangerous. Just make sure that if you DO use it, to remember to turn it off when you're finished.
  5. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    is it the lot or the sims?

    It occurs to me that I don't like these Sims that much - they've broken my heart too often now - so if I delete them to the family bins, will the refusal to work follow? Or is it built into the lot? The disappearing objects may be in the lot but it could also be Joe Bob's personality. He juggles a lot.

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