Reinstalling WinXP Home....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JohnEZ, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Reinstalling WinXP Home....

    After this, my next computer will be a Mac!

    I'm baffled, confused, and nervous. I want to do a nice clean install of XP home...

    So I popped the CD in that came with the computer (a Dell, btw) and had it boot from it. Things are all well and good, until it asks which partition you want it to go on (I didn't even know I had two partitions!) So I chose the large one and it says something to the extent of:

    "Installing two operating systems on this partition may cause the OSes to work improperly."

    Well at this point I don't know what to do... should I just delete Windows in the Control Panel? Should I hit "Continue" to continue installing? Will doing this delete everything on my hard drive?

    Finally, deleting everything on the drive would not be a bad thing. That's what I want it to do. Do you have any advice for me?

  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    John, I don't know much about Dell's. Is the disc you have a system restore disc or is it just a copy of Windows XP. ie did your Dell come with preinstalled software (eg MS Office, Word, Norton AV etc)? A proprietary system restore disc should make the process simple.

    However if you have a proper Windows disc then try this:

    Note that because Windoze is the dummest operating system possible you will need to defrag your hard drive after the reinstall ... presumably because the installer tries to write around all the data on the disc before it starts overwriting. :rolleyes: (I was amazed at the state my HD was in after a clean reinstall :p Looked like trainwreck :eek: )

    I don't know about XP home but XP pro gives you an opportunity to partition your hard drive before installing (Useful if you want to create a protected part of the disc for back ups ... that's what I did BTW) I suspect that XP home does allow partitioning as my XP Home-based Compaq laptop has a small back up partition and as you have found so has your XP home based Dell.

    Godd luck and have another go. I assume you have backed up all that you want to keep ... ;)
  3. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    if you want to do a clean install, what you want to o is when you are at the screen asking what partition to install on, tell it to delete that partition, then when it comes back it will say "unpatitioned space" with that same amount of space as before. have it install there. then it will format that partition and continue with the install.

    this of course assumes you are using an authentic xp disc and not a resotre disc. but from what youve said, im assuming its a normal xp install.
  4. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Well it's the Reinstallation CD that comes with the system. Definitely not a restore CD, all my programs came on separate CDs... which will need to be reinstalled after the restore, but that's beside the point.

    Yes, I backed up all my music and assignments... and am well aware that Windoze is a dumb OS. Apple forever! :p

    Well I'll be going... and next time I log on, I should have a nice newly formatted HD. :D If not, I'll bring the old thing upstairs and try to log on with that... ugh... Win95 is not a pretty thing.
  5. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Well everyone, here's a brief update....

    I have reinstalled Windoze, and now have doubled the free storage I had. But knowing me, it'll go back on awful fast.... not looking forward to it.

    Anyway, my internet connection is intermittent at best--yes, I reinstalled the modem driver--and trying to re-download what I had before (only in the way of programs... I backed up all my TS2 custom content and music) is proving to be difficult. Dialup is not good. But aside from that, everything is as it should be.. I think... ;)

    But I wanted to say thank you for your help; it is greatly appreciated, and my computer thanks you too!

    Thanks again,
  6. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    may i ask a quick question: whats your isp and exactly how is your connection acting? cuz i recently upgraded a cousin's computer to xp from 98 and she had walmart isp (basically a rebranded aol/compuserve browser) and she had problems with dialup on hers where it would cut off after 5 minuts regardless of activity. theres a specific program you can download online that will fix this. i will look for it for you.

    here it is:
  7. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Thank you very much! My ISP is really not a big name that you'll recognize... and it is cutting out every so often. When you try to reconnect you hera the modem dialup and everything, but then it'll give a high pitched tone and stop from there on.

    Thanks for the link, I'll definitely be getting that one just as soon as I get SP2 on here! :)

    Thanks again,
  8. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Well I'm happy to say that it was just a problem with that access number. Tried a new number and the modem sounds normal again, and my connection has only cut out once since.

    Problem solved! Thanks again for your help :)


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