How Do I Restaurant, in OBF?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Caramel, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. Caramel

    Caramel New Member

    Restaurant, in OBF?

    I've seen a cook in open for business official trailer and screenshots, but how can i have a restaurant, or coffee shop business in that even possible? :confused:
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Yes it's quite possible. You have a choice of opening up a home-based restaurant or one of those outside. You just need the proper equipment to do so.
  3. Jessly56

    Jessly56 New Member

    you can open a restaurant in the house? how is that possible if the host stand isnt there, the kitchen stove? etc?

    ive been trying to maintain a restaurant on a community lot.. no matter what i do, my employees quit. i send some home and they quit right after i tell them to go home. i have a state of the art break room with everything.. even a shower.. coffee, tv, couch.. i dont understand.. people always quit. anyone have any pointers? thanks
  4. craziisimmer

    craziisimmer New Member

    Watch the circles above their heads. Make sure they stay as green as possible.

    Also, you can up their wage to keep them happy, (click on the employee>management>change wage) I usually keep my employees at overpaid just incase they aquire a new talent, and i don't notice and don't up their wage. Everytime an employee gains a new level/talent badge, their wage requirements go up, hence they need a raise:) Happy simming.Hope I helped.
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    You can't open a home-based restaurant, Josh. The podium and stove they require are not available on residential lots. Unless something changed with Pets?

    I wish you could. That would be very cool. I wanted to make an old-world European town where everyone lives above their shops. You can do a bakery, or a florist shop, beauticians, or a robot store, lots of options, but you can't sell clothing or serve food restaurant-style from your home. Or, I believe, sell groceries.
  6. Jessly56

    Jessly56 New Member

    so now i have their wages "overpaid" when i ask the cook to take a break, should i take over as the cook? (ive maxed the cooking skills so my sim is a great cook) but when the employee wants to go back to work, she cant bc my sim is cooking. how will i know my employee is done with her break? same question with the hostess stand. also, is there a hack somewhere that will increase the number of customers? at times, i only get 3.. can i have 10?

    what do i do when a sim who just took a break comes back to work and her circle above her head is still yellow.. take a break again?
  7. craziisimmer

    craziisimmer New Member

    Yellow circles are okay, it's when they get red you should send them home. While your sim is being the chef, you will have to stop being the chef to send your employee back to work. (click the employee>management>send back to work as chef[or host/hostess]) this works the same for the host. You will have to take over both positions otherwise your customers won't be served food, and won't be seated, as for the more customers, i believe more come as you get a better reputation, i don't know any cheats, sorry!

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