Road Trip? Anybody here ever taken a roadtrip? 3 friends and I are thinking of planning one from NJ to Long Beach, CA for June, 2008 on a total budget of $7000 (or, $1750/person) Any tips? I think we have a comprehensive packing list: -AAA (and Trip-Tiks) -Extra Oil -Credit Card-$5,000 limit, each, just in case of emergency -Cell Phones & Car Chargers -5 Each of Shirts, Shorts, and undergrments (Laundromats--Wonderful things, they are) -Travel SpaceBags (...for the clothes, of course. 15 cubic feet of trunk space can go fast ) -Toilet Paper/Tissues -Paper Towels -Water (1 case bottled, at least) -Prescriptions -Glasses & Sunglasses -Allergy card, laminated, in case of accident, specifying allergies to medicines, food, religious preferences, etc. for medical personnel -Cooler -iPods, Cassette Adapter, Car Charger Anything in particular that I'm really forgetting or overlooking? I realize it'll be a lot of work to plan and it'd take a lot of discipline to stick to the 21 day schedule, but I think we can do it. Call me an optimist... Thanks, John
Are you camping it or staying at motels? If motels, a list of good places to stay along the way, with alternates. Same for camping! Sometimes the campground you plan is terrible! Look into National Forest Camp Grounds, much cheaper than private and normally more woodsy (is that even a word!) In either case, make sure you make reservations for the Friday/Saturday nights for sure. Middle of summer most people make vacation plans and they might be booked up...especially those campgrounds more so than hotels/motels. And on the allergy card, emergency contacts as well. Extra pair of tennis shoes (in case of rain and getting soaked! one sweatshirt/pair of jeans because some nights you never know...if it's rainy it might just get cool enough. Have fun and good luck!
First Aid Kit Packed into a small Tupperware sandwich box Small pair of sharp scissors. Small pair of tweezers Stuff for insect bites. NSAI (aspirin, inbuprofen, or acetawotsit (we call it paracetamol) for fevers, sprains and headaches. Wound dressings Antiseptic cream or spray 1 large triangular bandage (the ultimate first aid gadget ... can be used to attached severed legs, or with a deft flick will remove small rocks from eyes ) Clothing. Forgeddit. Just take one pair of pants (the one's you're wearing) and wash 'em every night. Buy Rohan stuff. I had some once it is awesome. It feels fabulous to wear, when wet it actually becomes windproof and it dries in minutes. It is also practically impossible to crease up. It looks cool too. No I haven't got shares in the company.
LOL...well we've got room for an air mattress in the spare room and a pull out couch in the living room! But I'm kind of guessing that Minnesota isn't on the road map from NJ to CA! :winks:
Ooooh sounds exciting John! I would have suggested what Shana and Mirelly said. In 2005 we made a month long trip to the USA and visited NH, VT, Massachusetts and Florida - I planned the entire trip on the internet. I would strongly suggest you buy a Home file, the one with all the pockets inside for different things - use it for maps for each area with lists or confirmations of accommodation bookings etc. Also you should arrange medical/ travel insurance. As you're going to be doing a lot of travelling, and therefore, sitting, I would take something that would keep you guys fit and active in between car trips - football or something, dunno. Also take sun creams. If it was me, I would pack a lot more clothes - underwear at least, but as your boot space is limited, I guess 5 of each is enough. I agree with Shana about taking extra shoes, and one set of warm clothing/ raincoat/ umbrella. Are you taking a camera/ camcorder too? Have plenty of memory cards for the camera. Just a few days ago we decided to plan for a trip to California too! Actually John, you may remember one of my buddies from a summer YIMchat last year, called Danni. She was the one we visited for a month in 2005. She's gonna be taking a year from Uni in Vermont to go to the same Uni that Josh goes to. How cool is that! So, we're gonna go see them both, sometime between Sept 07 and August 08. Maybe we should slate the trip for June and meet you too.
Oh, wow, thanks for all the awesome suggestions Now's it's a matter of I-hope-to-God-gas-isn't-$4.50/gal next summer and I hope to God that nobody backs out Regarding the camping/motelling: We planned to alternate, we hope. Do a little bit of each and hope that the campsites have clean, affordable showers. Will keep in mind pre-booking Friday/Saturday night stays (always a good idea), and already thought of the extra pair of shoes (just didn't add it to the list yet ) Thanks for the heads up about that company, Mirelly. I've heard of them before and believe them to have a pretty good product. Points taken about the medical kit, btw. (I think the word you're looking for is acetaminophen... or, Tylenol. ) Shana, as much as we'd love to, you're right in that MN isn't quite on our road map. If we ever take a road trip to the midwest, I'll let you know, though. And Hugz. I had thought of travel insurance, but thought it was only possible on foreign trips. I mean that's a little naive of me, I'll admit. Will definitaly take the sun tan lotion, and probably a few balls as well. As for the camcorder... well, our plan is to post a video blog for family and friends whenever we can. Of course that's liable to go right out the window once we actually start. And I think I remember your friend--and your plan sounds awesome Now I'll just have to motivate my friends to save save save... It's tough being the cheap one among your friends. California here we come! Thanks again -John