Screen Size? This is just a minor question, we just recently got a new computer and the size for the screen is 1440x900 and when I get onto the sims, the screen size is 800x600 and I just would like to know how to change this, as some of the things on the game are positioned differently. Minor annoyance. PS- this might be in the wrong forum. Probably is, please exuse me.
I think the screen resolution can be found under the 'Graphic Options' in the options section of the game.
The game might have chosen that resolution for a good reason. Unless you have 256MB of display memory (that is separate memory just for the graphics card (and it must be a proper graphics cards and not some integrated Intel thing) Do the maths: 800 * 600 = 480,000 pixels. At 32bit color that means you neeed 4 bytes for each pixel almost 2 million bytes 2 MB per screen Now do that 1440 * 900 resolution ... 1,296,000 pixels or more than 5MB per screenful that 2 and half times more and while you would see more detail you won't see much of it very quickly because when you try to scroll around the house you'll have everything choke up while the computer does the calculations and send the new pixels to the screen. The video memory smooths this out by acting as a reservoir of screen information, storing stuff that it can use to quickly complete a task when it is called to do so. (eg rotate the screen ... think about that ... when you rotate a house every darn pixel on the screen is changing 25 times a second.