Shady Acres

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Supernova, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    Shady Acres

    I just borrowed Sim City 4, and I started making some Sims 2 neighborhoods. This is my first attempt at making one. I called it Shady Acres (cause its in the shade of a mountain!) Tell me what you think.

    By the way, it doesnt matter where you put the roads does it?

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  2. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    I like your neighborhood for the sims 2. I'd call it Mt. Shady Acres! LoL Keep up the good work you did good for you first attempt!
  3. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member


    It does matter somewhat where you put the roads. Last weekend a MaxisProducer joined in on some of the BBS messages and told us a few new things that are useful. Each SC4 square is the same thing as a TS2 neighborhood square and that each of those has 10 of the "lot squares" in it, meaning that if you have a neighborhood lot which consists of a 2x4 configuration of "neighborhood squares" that the lot will end up being 20x40 when you go to build your house.

    They also said that you can only place lots in the "middle half" of the neighborhood, which means that you need to leave 16 squares around the outside of where you want to put your lots and only use the central 32x32.

    That does considerably cut down on where we can place our lots. I just hope that the roads and bridges will still show up in that outer 16 border. Otherwise it will look like they have no roads out of town!
  4. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I love the name! :D I hope this thing where the outer 16 squares can't have houses placed on them will be something I can figure out so I can place things correctly to achieve beachfront property lots... ;)
  5. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I spent several hours this evening playing with it and most of the ones I made had beachfront property. (Having an ocean or a mountain is sort of a natural for that 16 square border!)
  6. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    I'm probably just going to go trial and error with the roads. I dont really care right now, and I dont want to mess up the look for them.
  7. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    I can't wait until I see the ppl you make and who is going to live in Shady Acres! Are you going to post pictures of you family when you get the sims 2?
  8. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member


    I was going through my "collection" (to which I spent the afternoon adding) and found this one: Beachcliff.

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  9. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    looks nice! I haven't really decided who to put in Shady Acres. I haven't really made any Sims yet, besides a few attempts at making real people. But those attempts suck.
  10. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I haven't totally decided which "neighborhood" I actually want to play in! I have over 100 that I've made so far. Beachcliff is one of my favorites right now, but I'm still making more so I'll have to wait and see which one or ones I really like.

    Then I'll probably do my Sims the way I always do them: what seems right when I start making them on the day I plan to put them in the game. (They sort of have to "fit" the neighborhood and whatever else I'm thinking of doing there.)
  11. Pimms

    Pimms New Member

    Just some information on how the Sim City 4 neighborhoods will look like on Sims 2. Here is a link to 2 screenshots which show a before and after. The first is the neighborhood in SC4 the second is the same neighborhood after it is inported. Here is the link (the site is in German but you get the picture).

    It is the last 2 screenshots of the page. Enjoy. Also some information on how easy it will be to instal the new neighborhoods (taken from SimZone)
    "Importing isn't difficult: all you have to do is to copy the SimCity 4 file to the Sims 2 folder."

    Anyway that is all the news for now the german site will be making a more detailed guide on making SC4 neighborhoods soon and I will try get the link ~Pimms~

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  12. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    Wow that looks pretty good after its imported. Im glad it keeps the trees... Now I can put trees in my creations!
  13. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Supernova, you do know that the trees don't transfer over to TS2, don't you?

    However, you can use the landscape tool to place new trees (of all sorts!) in it once you do have it in TS2. This is going to be Soooooo fun!
  14. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    Oh really? I just said that cause in those two pics you showed the trees seemed to be in the exact same places and the exact same amount, so it looked like they transfered over. My mistake i suppose.
  15. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I suspect that the trees were placed in TS2 with the prop placement tool. Maxis and the people who had seen SC4 being used are the ones who've said that trees don't transfer over.

    Now if they've changed that I wouldn't mind a bit. It's a lot easier to put in trees with SC4 because you can put them in with the terraforming tool in batches, as opposed to putting them in one by one with the prop placement tool in TS2.
  16. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    well all I've got to say is all these neighborhoods beat the sims1 circle to pieces.

    keep 'em coming!
  17. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Thanks for the link and thumbnails Pimms! I'd been wondering just how it would look once you got one of those Sim City 4 lots INTO the game! :D

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